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Association of the vertical ozone structure with the lower-stratospheric circulation. International Journal of Remote Sensing [Internet]. 2008;29:2685-2695.
Website Christodoulakis J, Tzanis C, Varotsos C.
Standardization of the Athens Dobson spectrophotometer versus Reference Dobson spectrophotometer 064. International Journal of Remote Sensing [Internet]. 2008;29:1917-1920.
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Tropospheric aerosol forcing of climate: A case study for the greater area of Greece. International Journal of Remote Sensing [Internet]. 2008;29:2507-2517.
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Scaling effect in planetary waves over Antarctica. International Journal of Remote Sensing [Internet]. 2008;29:2697-2704.
Website Varotsos C, Tzanis C, Tsitomeneas S, Assimakopoulos M-N, Mammis A.
Surface solar ultraviolet irradiance and total ozone during summertime. International Journal of Remote Sensing [Internet]. 2008;29:2667-2673.