Konstantinos (Costas) Vellidis, born in 1965 in Athens, completed his undergraduate studies in Physics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) in 1988. He received a MSc degree in Nuclear Physics in 1989 from the University Paris XI at Orsay, France, a PhD degree in Nuclear Physics from NKUA in 2001, and the Peter Demos award for the best PhD thesis conducted at the W. H. Bates Electron Accelerator Laboratory of MIT, where he worked for his PhD during 1993-1998. After switching to Particle Physics, he worked for the ATLAS experiment at the LHC as a NKUA postdoc (2004-2006) and CERN Corresponding Associate (2007), in the construction of the hadronic ("tile") calorimeter. Then, he moved to Fermilab near Chicago, Illinois, where he joined the CDF experiment of the Tevatron proton-antiproton collider (2007-2017) and the Mu2e Lepton Flavour Violation experiment (under construction, 2014-2017). He served as a Spokesperson of the CDF Collaboration for two terms (2012-2013, 2013-2015). After his election as an Associate Professor at NKUA in 2016, he joined the CMS experiment at the LHC and moved to CERN as a Visiting Scientist (2017-2018), before returning to NKUA in 2018. His current research interests include searches for new physics and measurements of rares processes testing the accuracy of the Standard Model. He is also involved in the upgrade of the CMS experiment for the High-Luminosity LHC, as a coordinator of the Level-1 Muon Trigger upgrade. He is co-authoring about 800 peer-reviewed scientific publications in Nuclear and Particle Physics.