Confining the time of outburst of an optical nova candidate in M 31


Pietsch W, Lloyd J, Henze M, Burwitz V, Knaur A, Hartmann D, Milne P, Williams G, Liakos A, Hatzidimitriou D, et al. Confining the time of outburst of an optical nova candidate in M 31. [Internet]. 2010;2896:1.


We confirm a nova candidate in M 31 reported to us by K. Nishiyama and F. Kabashima and present a pre-discovery detection and upper limit that allows us to tightly constrain the time of outburst for this object. New observations show that the source is still increasing in brightness. The nova candidate was discovered by Nishiyama and Kabashima (Miyaki-Argenteus observatory, Japan) on 2010 September 30.566 UT, with no object visible at its position on September 28.606 UT (private communication).
