Correction to ATel 1152: Optical Spectroscopy of Nova M31N 2007-07c


Rau A, Burwitz V, Hatzidimitriou D, Cenko SB. Correction to ATel 1152: Optical Spectroscopy of Nova M31N 2007-07c. [Internet]. 2007;1153:1.


The Author list was incomplete in ATel#1152. On 2007 July 21.46 UT a spectrum of the nova candidate M31N 2007-07c (see ATel#1146, ATel#1149) was obtained with Double-Beam Spectrograph on the Palomar Hale-5m telescope. The 400/6000 grism (3.5 angstrom FWHM) and 158/7500 grating (8.6 angstrom FWHM) were used with 1200s exposure, each. The H-alpha line displays a P-Cygni profile. The measured expansion velocity is -1630+/-20 km/ sec (blue shifted), based on measurements of the Ca H+K lines, the G Band, H-beta, Mg lines and the near-infrared Ca-triplet.
