Lithium in Large Magellanic Cloud carbon stars


Hatzidimitriou D, Morgan DH, Cannon RD, Croke BFW. Lithium in Large Magellanic Cloud carbon stars. [Internet]. 2003;341:1290 - 1298.


19 carbon stars that show lithium enrichment in their atmospheres have been discovered among a sample of 674 carbon stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Six of the Li-rich carbon stars are of the J type, i.e. they show strong 13C isotopic features. No super-Li-rich carbon stars were found. The incidence of lithium enrichment among carbon stars in the LMC is much rarer than in the Galaxy, and about five times more frequent among J-type than among N-type carbon stars. The bolometric magnitudes of the Li-rich carbon stars range between -3.3 and -5.7. Existing models of Li-enrichment via the hot bottom burning process fail to account for all of the observed properties of the Li-enriched stars studied here.
