New optical nova candidate in M 31


Henze M, Pietsch W, Burwitz V, Hatzidimitriou D, Reig P, Primak N, Papamastorakis G, Updike A, Hartmann DH, Milne P, et al. New optical nova candidate in M 31. [Internet]. 2008;1609:1.


We report the discovery of a possible nova in M 31 on four consecutive dithered stacked 100s R filter CCD images, obtained on 2008 July 06.04, with the 1.3m Ritchey Chretien f/7.5 telescope at Skinakas Observatory, Crete, Greece, using an Andor DZ436-BV CCD Camera (with a Marconi 2k x 2k chip with 13.5μm sq. pixels). The R magnitude of the object was 18.7. The object is already visible with a magnitude of 18.3 on a 12*60s stacked R filter CCD image obtained with the robotic 60cm telescope with an E2V CCD (2kx2k) of the Livermore Optical Transient Imaging System (Super-LOTIS, located at Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak, Arizona, USA) on 2008 June 30.45.
