Supernovae, transients and high amplitude variables in the Hubble Catalog of Variables


Spetsieri ZT, Bonanos AZ, Bellas-Velidis I, Hatzidimitriou D. Supernovae, transients and high amplitude variables in the Hubble Catalog of Variables. In: ; 2019. pp. 62.

Date Presented:



We present an exceptionally deep catalog of supernovae, transients and high-amplitude variables included in the Hubble Catalog of Variables (HCV). The HCV contains all variable objects detected through a robust variability search of the light curves of all sources included in the Hubble Source Catalog version 3 (Whitmore et al. 2016). Taking this work one step further, we queried the HCV to detect all variable sources with an amplitude of variability > 1 mag, in more than one filter of observations. We cross-matched the sources with catalogs in CDS to check whether the highamplitude variable sources were previously reported. We proceeded to classify the newly identified high-amplitude variables based on their magnitude, light curve shape and position on the color magnitude diagram. The high-precision astrometry extracted from the HSC for all sources combined with the deep HST observations makes our catalog a powerful tool for further research on the environments and properties of high-amplitude variables observed by the Hubble Space Telescope. This work was supported by the European Space Agency (ESA) under the "Hubble Catalog of Variables" program, contract No. 4000112940.
