Two new, bright optical nova candidates in M 31 including one possible recurrent nova


Henze M, Burwitz V, Pietsch W, Hatzidimitriou D, Reig P, Primak N, Papamastorakis G. Two new, bright optical nova candidates in M 31 including one possible recurrent nova. [Internet]. 2008;1654:1.


We report the discovery of two new, bright possible novae in M 31 on dithered stacked R filter CCD images, obtained on 2008 August 09, with the 1.3m Ritchey Chretien f/7.5 telescope at Skinakas Observatory, Crete, Greece, using an Andor DZ436-BV CCD Camera (with a Marconi 2k x 2k chip with 13.5µm sq. pixels). The first object is visible in two different pointings of four images taken on 2008 August 09.96 and three images taken on 2008 August 09.97, respectively.
