Welcome to our site!
Welcome to the web site of the Enzyme and Microbial Biotechnology Unit of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Our Unit belongs to the Microbiology Group at the Sector of Botany of the Department of Biology. We are located at the 1st floor (Microbiology Corridor) of the Biology Building at the Athens University Campus at Zografou (SE of Athens metro area).
Who we are...
As our title implies, we are a research group working within the general area of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. More specifically, we are trying to exploit/manipulate the huge metabolic potential that lies within the microbial cells, for the delivery of products and processes in an environmental friendly and cost-effective manner e.g. the White (Industrial) Biotechnology way.
Our research interests span from the study and biosynthesis of industrial enzymes to theĀ production of biofuels and chemicals from wild-type and rationally modified microbial species.
PI of the Unit is Professor Dimitris G. Hatzinikolaou, a Chemical Engineer at his first degree, who "defected" towards the "bio-routes" already from his final Diploma years and throughout his graduate studies at the University of Michigan, USA and the National Technical University of Athens, Greece.
This Bio-Engineering background is combined with the solid knowledge in Molecular Biology and Microbial Physiology of our biology staff and provides our Research Unit with a strong interdisciplinary spirit, indispensable for successful Industrial Biotechnology research.