Publications by Year: 1991

Παπανικολάου Δ, Δανάμος Γ. Αντιστοίχηση της γεωτεκτονικής θέσης των Κυθήρων και των Κυκλάδων στη γεωδυναμική εξέλιξη του ελληνικού τόξου. Δελτίο Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρείας.Δελτίο Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρείας. 1991;XXV:65-80.Abstract
The tectonic structure and evolution of Kythira is in general similar to that of the Cyclades with a difference in the chronologic succession of the alpine and post alpine geodynaaic processes which have ended in the Cyclades in contrast to Kythira where they are still in evolution. A basic distinction has to be lade between the early phase of compressional tectonism which built up the alpine nappe pile and the late phase of extensional character which denudates the non metamorphic units froa the crests of the anticlinal domes of the underlying netanorphic units. During this late phase the decollement and sliding of the non metanorphic units along their contact with the underlying metamorphic units is dominant under the important effect of gravity, the normal faults being limited above the main overthrusts.
Finetti J, Papanikolaou D, Del Ben A, Karvelis P. Preliminary geotectonic interpretation of the East Mediterranean chain and the Hellenic arc. Bull Geol Soc Greece. 1991;25:509–526.
Baud A, Jenny C, Papanikolaou D, Sideris C, Stampfli G. New observations on Permian stratigraphy in Greece and geodynamic interpretation. Bull. Soc. Geol. Greece. 1991;XXV:187-206.