Publications by Year: 2020

Lekkas E, Mavroulis S, Carydis P, Skourtsos E, Kaviris G, Paschos P, Ganas A, Kazantzidou-Firtinidou D, Par-charidis I, Gatsios T. The March 21, 2020, Mw 5.7 Epirus (Greece) Earthquake. Newsletter of the Postgraduate Studies Program “Environmental Disasters & Crises Management Strategies” of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Issue. 2020;(17).
Lekkas E, Nastos P, Cartalis C, Diakakis M, Gogou M, Mavroulis S, Spyrou NI, Kotsi E, Vassilakis E, Katsetsiadou KN. Impact of Medicane “IANOS”(September 2020). Newsl. Environ. Disaster Cris. Manag. Strateg. 2020;20:1-140.
Yeung S, Forster M, Skourtsos E, Lister G. Evidence for the Late Cretaceous Asteroussia event in the Gondwanan Ios basement terranes. Solid Earth Discussions. 2020;2020:1-33.
Stanota E-S, Spyrou N-I, Andreadakis E, Skourtsos E, Lozios S, Lekkas E. Landslide behaviour and Risk Reduction using SfM and 3D modelling techniques with Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). Chios island (Greece). 2020.
Muravchik M, Henstra GA, Eliassen GT, Gawthorpe RL, Leeder M, Kranis H, Skourtsos E, Andrews J. Deep‐water sediment transport patterns and basin floor topography in early rift basins: Plio‐Pleistocene syn‐rift of the Corinth Rift, Greece. Basin Research. 2020;32(5):1184-1212.
Spyridoula Stanota E, Spyrou NI, Andreadakis E, Skourtsos E, Lozios S, Lekkas E. Landslide Behaviour and Risk Reduction using SfM and 3D modelling techniques with Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS). Chios island (Greece). EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. 2020:18852.