Spin injection in ballistic Fe-ZnSe and Fe-GaAs(001) junctions


Wunnicke O, Mavropoulos P, Dederichs PH. Spin injection in ballistic Fe-ZnSe and Fe-GaAs(001) junctions. PHASE TRANSITIONS. 2003;76:511-521.


We present ab initio calculations for spin injection in Fe-ZnSe and Fe-GaAs(001) systems, with and without detection by a second Fe lead. We consider the case of hot injection, as well as the presence of a tunneling barrier at the interface. Our calculations are valid in the ballistic regime. We find that these systems can be very efficient spin filters, leading to current spin polarizations and magnetoresistance ratios very close to the ideal 100%.


International Symposium on Selforganizing Nanostructures and Magnetic Heterostructures, GERHARD MERCATOR UNIV, DUISBURG, GERMANY, NOV 28-29, 2001