The 19th of July 2016 Multi-Chord Stellar Occultation by Pluto - A European PRO-AM cooperation


Beisker W, Eberle A, Gaehrken B, Kattentidt B, Murawski G, Gazeas K, Tzouganatos L, Tigani K, Gloistein D, Hampf D, et al. The 19th of July 2016 Multi-Chord Stellar Occultation by Pluto - A European PRO-AM cooperation. In: ; 2017. pp. EPSC2017-829.

Date Presented:



The occultation of the 14th mag star UCAC4 345-180315 by Pluto on the evening of the 19th of July, 2016 could be observed from large parts of Europe, middle east and northern Africa as well. A campaign had been organized with for many observers and observatories throughout Europe and other countries. Professional as well as amateur observatories and observers shared in a PRO-AM cooperation to achieve the highest possible degree of coverage. The scientific goal was the ongoing monitoring of Pluto's atmosphere, waiting for a possible shrinking of its pressure due to the increasing distance of Pluto from the sun.
