Publications by Year: 2009

Zasche P, Wolf M, Hartkopf WI, Svoboda P, Uhlař R, Liakos A, Gazeas K. A Catalog of Visual Double and Multiple Stars With Eclipsing Components. [Internet]. 2009;138:664 - 679. WebsiteAbstract
A new catalog of visual double systems containing eclipsing binaries as one component is presented. The main purpose of this catalog is to compile a complete list of all known multiples of this variety, both for current analysis and to highlight those in need of additional observations. All available photometric and astrometric data were analyzed, resulting in new orbits for eight systems and new times of minimum light for a number of the eclipsing binaries. Some of the systems in the catalog have acceptable solutions for their visual orbits, although in most cases their orbital periods are too long for simultaneous analysis. Also included, however, are a number of systems which currently lack an orbital solution but which may be suitable for simultaneous analysis in the future.
Valtonen MJ, Nilsson K, Villforth C, Lehto HJ, Takalo LO, Lindfors E, Sillanpää A, Hentunen V-P, Mikkola S, Zola S, et al. Tidally Induced Outbursts in OJ 287 during 2005-2008. [Internet]. 2009;698:781 - 785. WebsiteAbstract
The blazar OJ 287 has produced two major optical outburst events during the years 2005-2008. These are the latest in a series of outbursts that have occurred repeatedly at 12 year intervals since early 1900s. It has been possible to explain the historical light curve fairly well by using a binary black hole model where the secondary black hole impacts the accretion disk of the primary twice during the 12 year orbital cycle. We will ask here how well does the latest light-curve fit with this model. We use a 10 million particle disk to model the accretion disk of the primary black hole. The rate of transfer of particles through the 10 Schwarzschild radius cylinder around the primary is followed. The secondary induces an inward flow through this surface. The inward flow rate is compared with the historical light curve as well as with the most recent observations reported in this paper. The observations have been carried out by using a number of small and medium size telescopes in different locations in order to ensure a dense light-curve coverage. The "inflow light curve" and the optical light curve of OJ 287 have a close resemblance to each other. It suggests that the tidally induced accretion flow is responsible for the main features of the optical light curve, with the exception of the quasi-periodic double peaks. It implies a close connection between the accretion disk and the jet where the optical synchrotron emission is presumably generated.
Gazeas KD. Physical parameters of contact binaries through 2-D and 3-D correlation diagrams. [Internet]. 2009;159:129 - 130. WebsiteAbstract
Physical parameters of contact binaries are studied through 2-D and 3-D correlations among them. It is shown that the physical parameters (i.e. mass, radius and luminosity) are closely correlated with the orbital period and mass ratio in the 3-D domain. These correlations can be used as a quality check for the parameters in every given solution of a contact binary. The empirical laws, extracted out of these correlations, are a useful tool for a quick estimate of physical parameters for the numerous contact binaries found in global sky surveys.
Zasche P, Liakos A, Niarchos P, Wolf M, Manimanis V, Gazeas K. Period changes in six contact binaries: WZ And, V803 Aql, DF Hya, PY Lyr, FZ Ori, and AH Tau. [Internet]. 2009;14:121 - 128. WebsiteAbstract
Six contact binaries lacking a period analysis have been chosen to search for the presence of a third body. The O-C diagrams of these binaries were analyzed with the least-squares method by using all available times of minima. Ten new minima times, obtained from our observations, were included in the present research. The Light-Time Effect was adopted for the first time as the main cause for the detailed description of the long-term period changes. Third bodies were found with orbital periods from 49 up to 100 years, and eccentricities from 0.0 to 0.56 for the selected binaries. In one case (WZ And), a fourth-body LITE variation was also applied. The mass functions and the minimal masses of such bodies were also calculated and a possible angular separation and magnitude differences were discussed for a prospective interferometric discovery of these bodies.
Kato T, Imada A, Uemura M, Nogami D, Maehara H, Ishioka R, Baba H, Matsumoto K, Iwamatsu H, Kubota K, et al. Survey of Period Variations of Superhumps in SU UMa-Type Dwarf Novae. [Internet]. 2009;61:S395 - S616. WebsiteAbstract
We systematically surveyed period variations of superhumps in SU UMa-type dwarf novae based on newly obtained data and past publications. In many systems, the evolution of the superhump period is found to be composed of three distinct stages: an early evolutionary stage with a longer superhump period, a middle stage with systematically varying periods, and a final stage with a shorter, stable superhump period. During the middle stage, many systems with superhump periods of less than 0.08 d show positive period derivatives. We present observational characteristics of these stages and give greatly improved statistics. Contrary to an earlier claim, we found no clear evidence for a variation of period derivatives among different superoutbursts of the same object. We present an interpretation that the lengthening of the superhump period is a result of the outward propagation of an eccentricity wave, which is limited by the radius near the tidal truncation. We interpret that late-stage superhumps are rejuvenated excitation of a 3:1 resonance when superhumps in the outer disk are effectively quenched. The general behavior of the period variation, particularly in systems with short orbital periods, appears to follow a scenario proposed in Kato, Maehara, and Monard (2008, PASJ, 60, L23). We also present an observational summary of WZ Sge-type dwarf novae. Many of them have shown long-enduring superhumps during a post-superoutburst stage having longer periods than those during the main superoutburst. The period derivatives in WZ Sge-type dwarf novae are found to be strongly correlated with the fractional superhump excess, or consequently with the mass ratio. WZ Sge-type dwarf novae with a long-lasting rebrightening or with multiple rebrightenings tend to have smaller period derivatives, and are excellent candidates for those systems around or after the period minimum of evolution of cataclysmic variables.
Zezas A, Antoniou V, Gazeas K, Sell P, Fabbiano G, Kalogera V, Pooley D. X-ray source populations in nearby spiral and star-forming galaxies. In: ; 2009. pp. 18. WebsiteAbstract
We present results on the X-ray source populations of nearby spiral and star-forming galaxies. The sample of galaxies includes the nearby spiral galaxy M81 and star-forming galaxies with stellar populations in the 10-100Myr range. We use HST data in order to classify the X-ray sources to HMXBs, LMXBs and globular clusters, and identify any SNRs or background AGNs. We discuss the spectral and temporal characteristics of the different sub-populations in these galaxies, and their implications for the sources' nature. We present the X-ray luminosity functions (XLF) of the discrete sources from the individual as well as the co-added observations and we discuss the dependence of the XLF on the age of the stellar populations. In the case of M81 we find a population of sources in the 10^{36}-10^{37} erg s^{-1} luminosity range with early-type counterparts, while the HMXBs in the star-forming galaxies have generally higher luminosities. We also present results from Chandra observations of the SMC which extend the XLFs down to luminosities of 10^{32} erg s^{-1} and show evidence for the onset of the propeller effect at low luminosities.