Publications by Year: 2010

Gałan C, Mikołajewski M, Tomov T, Świercyński E, Wicecek M, Brożek T, Maciejewski G, Wychudzki P, Hajduk M, Różański P, et al. Multi-Ring Structure of the Eclipsing Disk in EE Cep - Possible Planets?. In: Vol. 435. ; 2010. pp. 423. WebsiteAbstract
The photometric and spectroscopic observational campaign organized for the 2008/9 eclipse of EE Cep revealed features, which indicate that the eclipsing disk in the EE Cep system has a multi-ring structure. We suggest that the gaps in the disk can be related to the possible planet formation.
Gazeas K, Liakos A, Niarchos P. DD Mon and XY UMa: CCD Photometry and Modeling of Two Close Binary Systems with Solar-Type Components. In: Vol. 435. ; 2010. pp. 351. WebsiteAbstract
We present our ground-based CCD observations of the close binary systems DD Mon and XY UMa in B, V, R and I bands. The light curves are analyzed using the Wilson-Devinney code (W-D) for the derivation of the geometric and photometric elements of the systems. We compare the methods of photometric and spectroscopic mass ratio determination in these binaries, as a function of all typical difficulties, which arise during the analysis of such systems (light curve asymmetries, third light etc). Finally, a new spot model is suggested for the eclipsing system XY UMa, which belongs to the RS CVn type of active binaries.
Saesen S, Pigulski A, Carrier F, Michalska G, Aerts C, De Ridder J, Briquet M, Handler G, Kołaczkowski Z, Acke B, et al. Towards ensemble asteroseismology of the young open clusters χ Persei and NGC 6910. [Internet]. 2010;331:1080 - 1083. WebsiteAbstract
As a result of the variability survey in χ Persei and NGC 6910, the number of β Cep stars that are members of these two open clusters is increased to twenty stars, nine in NGC 6910 and eleven in χ Persei. We compare pulsational properties, in particular the frequency spectra, of β Cep stars in both clusters and explain the differences in terms of the global parameters of the clusters. We also indicate that the more complicated pattern of the variability among B-type stars in χ Persei is very likely caused by higher rotational velocities of stars in this cluster. We conclude that the sample of pulsating stars in the two open clusters constitutes a very good starting point for the ensemble asteroseismology of β Cep-type stars and maybe also for other B-type pulsators.
Zola S, Gazeas K, Kreiner JM, Ogloza W, Siwak M, Koziel-Wierzbowska D, Winiarski M. Physical parameters of components in close binary systems - VII. [Internet]. 2010;408:464 - 474. WebsiteAbstract
We present results of the modelling of multicolour light curves of 10 contact binary systems: V376And, V523Cas, CCCom, BXDra, FGHya, UZLeo, XYLeo, AMLeo, EXLeo and RTLMi. The solutions resulted in a contact configuration for all systems. We found only FGHya and UZLeo to be in deep contact, the latter almost filling the outer critical lobe. The absolute parameters of the components have been determined with an accuracy of about a few per cent based on combined photometric and radial velocity curves, enlarging the sample of systems to 58 for which the physical parameters have been obtained in a uniform way. All but three systems (BXDra, AMLeo and RTLMi) show asymmetries and peculiarities in the observed light curves, interpreted as resulting from their magnetic activity.
Gazeas KD, Papathanassoglou DA. Applications of the Stellar Spectrograph of the University of Athens Observatory. In: Vol. 424. ; 2010. pp. 433. WebsiteAbstract
The high quality stellar spectra, recorded with the stellar spectrograph constructed at the Laboratory of Astronomy and Applied Optics of the University of Athens, allows the spectral classification of stars brighter than 9 mag, as well as the measurement of radial velocities of binary systems. The primary application of the spectrograph will be the study of eclipsing binaries, where the lack of spectroscopic observations limits the theoretical models. The spectrograph can be also used for observations of transient phenomena, such as novae, supernovae, comets and cataclysmic variable stars, but also for support observations of larger telescopes around the world.
Conidis GJ, Gazeas KD, Capobianco CC, Ogloza W. Photometric and Spectroscopic Study of the Delta Scuti Stars FH Cam, CU CVn and CC Lyn. [Internet]. 2010;161:23 - 37. WebsiteAbstract
Three short period (P ∼ 1 day) variable stars from the Hipparcos catalogue targets were observed after suspected misclassification as Beta Lyr eclipsing systems (Perryman et al. 1997), as no secondary component had been noticed in the inspection of their Broadening Functions (BFs) (Rucinski 2002). FH Cam is found to be a multiple star system with a member exhibiting Delta Scuti behaviour. The dominant pulsation frequency is found to be 7.3411 ± 0.0002 c/d, which corresponds to a pulsation mode of l ≤ 1. We confirmed the pulsations of CU CVn using photometric observations and found a pulsation frequency of 14.7626 ± 0.0250 c/d, which is in agreement with the period given in literature. CC Lyn is a non-eclipsing visual binary (CCDM J07359+4302AB), the brighter component (A) is found to be a multi-mode Delta Scuti pulsator, with pulsation frequencies of 5.6402 ± 0.0004 c/d and 7.3368 ± 0.0005 c/d.
Villforth C, Nilsson K, Heidt J, Takalo LO, Pursimo T, Berdyugin A, Lindfors E, Pasanen M, Winiarski M, Drozdz M, et al. Variability and stability in blazar jets on time-scales of years: optical polarization monitoring of OJ 287 in 2005-2009. [Internet]. 2010;402:2087 - 2111. WebsiteAbstract
OJ 287 is a BL Lac object at redshift z = 0.306 that has shown double-peaked bursts at regular intervals of ~12yr during the last ~40yr. We analyse optical photopolarimetric monitoring data from 2005 to 2009, during which the latest double-peaked outburst occurred. The aim of this study is twofold: firstly, we aim to analyse variability patterns and statistical properties of the optical polarization light curve. We find a strong preferred position angle in optical polarization. The preferred position angle can be explained by separating the jet emission into two components: an optical polarization core and chaotic jet emission. The optical polarization core is stable on time-scales of years and can be explained as emission from an underlying quiescent jet component. The chaotic jet emission sometimes exhibits a circular movement in the Stokes plane. We find six such events, all on the time-scales of 10-20d. We interpret these events as a shock front moving forwards and backwards in the jet, swiping through a helical magnetic field. Secondly, we use our data to assess different binary black hole models proposed to explain the regularly appearing double-peaked bursts in OJ 287. We compose a list of requirements a model has to fulfil to explain the mysterious behaviour observed in OJ 287. The list includes not only characteristics of the light curve but also other properties of OJ 287, such as the black hole mass and restrictions on accretion flow properties. We rate all existing models using this list and conclude that none of the models is able to explain all observations. We discuss possible new explanations and propose a new approach to understanding OJ 287. We suggest that both the double-peaked bursts and the evolution of the optical polarization position angle could be explained as a sign of resonant accretion of magnetic field lines, a `magnetic breathing' of the disc.
Villforth C, Nilsson K, Heidt J, Takalo LO, Pursimo T, Berdyugin A, Lindfors E, Pasanen M, Winiarski M, Drozdz M, et al. VizieR Online Data Catalog: Optical polarization of OJ 287 in 2005-2009 (Villforth+, 2010). [Internet]. 2010:J/MNRAS/402/2087. WebsiteAbstract
These files present the observational data of the paper. There are 7 files : 6 for photometry (BVRIri) and one for polarimetry. Details of the reduction procedures and the telescopes involved can be found in the paper. (7 data files).