{Complete longitudinal vaginal septum resection. Description of a bloodless new technique}


Chatzipapas I, Zacharakis D, Michala L, Grigoriadis T, Antsaklis P, Protopapas A. {Complete longitudinal vaginal septum resection. Description of a bloodless new technique}. Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2016;43.


Purpose of investigation: To describe a novel approach for longitudinal vaginal septum (LVS) resection. Materials and Methods: Two cases of young girls with a uterus didelphys and a longitudinal vaginal septum. The technique consisted in grasping the vaginal septum with a laparoscopic 33-cm long bipolar cutting forceps, five-mm in diameter, and divided it to its midportion towards the two cervices. Results: In both cases, the procedure was straightforward, uncomplicated, completed within three minutes and the patients were discharged four hours later. It was associated with minimal blood loss, short recovery time, absence of local ischemia, and optimum healing process. Conclusion: The authors believe that surgical safety, efficacy and operative result make bipolar cutting forceps a tailored option for LVS resection.