Parental Body Mass Index in association with the prevalence of overweight/obesity among adolescents in Greece; dietary and lifestyle habits in the context of the family environment: the Vyronas study.


Kosti RI, Panagiotakos DB, Tountas Y, Mihas CC, Alevizos A, Mariolis T, Papathanassiou M, Zampelas A, Mariolis A. Parental Body Mass Index in association with the prevalence of overweight/obesity among adolescents in Greece; dietary and lifestyle habits in the context of the family environment: the Vyronas study. Appetite. 2008;51(1):218-22.


The objective of this study was to evaluate whether Parental Body Mass Index is associated with overweight/obesity in a sample of Greek adolescents, taking into consideration dietary and lifestyle habits. The Vyronas study is a cross-sectional health and nutrition survey. During 2004/2005, 2008 schoolchildren were selected. BMI was calculated for both parents and adolescents. A semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire was applied. Results demonstrated that there is a strong positive association between the parental overweight/obesity status and their offspring's BMI. Some dietary and lifestyle habits seem to affect boys and girls BMI in relation to parental status differently.