This study is aimed at exploring the errors of a regional model of the Bay of Biscay, a regional zoom of the IBI configuration of the ocean model NEMO, with the ultimate objective of guiding the choice and implementation of a data assimilation system in that region. An ensemble experiment was carried out by randomly perturbing winds along a base of EOFs with the aim to mimic a potential source of error in the model forecasts. A characterisation was attempted with proxy forecast errors by using statistical moments of order 1 to 4. The temporal variability of model correction patterns in a hypothetical data assimilation system was also illustrated. Significant departures from linear/Gaussian response were found, as well as well-marked non-stationarities in the error patterns. Within the limits of the experimental protocol, this could be technically applicable to other coastal areas as the study illustrates the likely limits of stationary/Gaussian data assimilation approaches in the Bay of Biscay.
doi: 10.1080/1755876X.2014.11020156