Parametric study of a coaxial gyrotron stacked beam tunnel


Moraitou MD, Latsas GP, Ioannidis ZC, Tigelis IG. Parametric study of a coaxial gyrotron stacked beam tunnel. In: Plasma Science (ICOPS), 2012 Abstracts IEEE International Conference on. ; 2012. pp. 1P-10-1P-10.


Summary form only given. Coaxial gyrotrons offer the potential to generate microwave power in the multi-megawatt levels at frequencies well above 100 GHz1, since very high-order volume modes can be used. The presence of the coaxial insert reduces the voltage depression and eliminates the restrictions of mode selectivity, making it possible to maintain the cavity ohmic losses at a reasonable low level (<2kW/cm2) allowing the use of very high-order volume modes.