Mastichiadis A, Protheroe RJ, Szabo AP.
The Effect of Triplet Production on Pair / Compton Cascades in Thermal Radiation. [Internet]. 1994;266:910.
WebsiteAbstractWe calculate the spectrum of photons resulting from electromagnetic cascades through thermal radiation, and examine the consequences of including triplet production in these cascades. We assume that the cascade is one-dimensional, and we find that this approximation is justified in the present work for thermal radiation with temperature less than 10-3 mc2. Results are obtained for both monoenergetic and power-law primary spectra, and for a variety of path lengths. We find that triplet production is particularly important in electron-photon cascades through thermal radiation when the primary energy exceeds 105m2c4/kT for propagation over small path lengths. The importance of triplet production decreases as the path length increases, and it has no effect on saturated cascades.
Titarchuk L, Mastichiadis A.
Hard X-Rays from NGC 4151: A Thermal Origin?. [Internet]. 1994;433:L33.
WebsiteAbstractWe present a model for explaining the recent combined X-ray and low- energy gamma-ray observations of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151. According to this model, soft photons become Comptonized in a hot spot producing simultaneously the low-energy power law as observed by Ginga and the high-energy cutoff observed by OSSE. Implementing recently developed theoretical calculations toward a generalized theory of Comptonization, we were able to find fits to the observations using only two parameters which characterize the physical quantities of the emission region: the plasma cloud optical depth and its temperature. We find that there is no need for additional nonthermal, reflection, or higher temperature thermal components to fit the aforementioned OSSE and Ginga observations. We derive in addition the size of the photon region and the temperature of the upscattered soft photons. We should emphasize, also, that any attempt at fitting only the high-energy parts of the spectrum (photon energies > 60 keV) by the Sunyaev & Titarchuk (1980) nonrelativistic Comptonization model leads to an underestimate of the Comptonization parameter γ (or, equivalently, to an overestimation of the X-ray power-law spectral slope) and leads, as a result, to incorrect proportions between the low-energy and high-energy parts of the spectrum.
Johnson PA, Mastichiadis A, Protheroe RJ, Stanev TS, Szabo AP.
The contribution of active Galactic nuclei to the diffuse gamma-ray background. [Internet]. 1994;20:979 - 990.
WebsiteAbstractWe consider the emission of high energy to very high energy $\gamma$-rays in radio-quiet active galactic nuclei (AGN) or the central regions of radio-loud AGN. We use our results to estimate the $\gamma$-ray flux from the central regions of nearby AGN, and then to calculate the contribution to the diffuse $\gamma$-ray flux from unresolved AGN.
Mastichiadis A, Ozernoy LM.
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Emission of Sagittarius A * as a Wind-accreting Black Hole. [Internet]. 1994;426:599.
WebsiteAbstractIf, as many believe, Sgr A* is a massive black hole at the Galactic center, one should expect it to be a source of X-ray and gamma-ray activity, behaving basically as a scaled-down active galactic nucleus. An unavoidable source of accretion is the wind from IRS 16, a nearby group of hot, massive stars. Since the density and velocity of the accreting matter are known from observations, the accretion rate is basically a function of the putative black hole mass, Mh, only; this value represents a reliable lower limit to a real rate, given the other possible sources of accreting matter. Based on this and on the theories about shock acceleration in active galactic nuclei, we have estimated the expected production of relativistic particles and their hard radiation. These values turn out to be a function of Mh as well. Comparing our results with available X-ray and gamma-ray observations which show Sgr A* to have a relatively low activity level, we conclude tentatively that the putative black hole in the Galactic center cannot have a mass greater than approximately 6 x 103 solar mass. This conclusion is consistent with the upper limits to the black hole mass found by different methods earlier, although much more work is needed to make calculations of shock acceleration around black holes more reliable.