Tomkos, Tzanakaki A, Leuthold J, Ellis AD, Bimberg D, Petropoulos P, Simeonidou D, Tsadka S, Monteiro P.
Transparent ring interconnection using multi-wavelength processing switches. In: 2006 International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. Vol. 1. ; 2006. pp. 23.
Website Kouloumentas CH, Tzanakaki A, Tomkos I.
Clock recovery at 160 Gb/s and beyond, using a fiber-based optical power limiter. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters [Internet]. 2006;18:2365-2367.
Website Teixeira A, André P, Stevan Jr. S, Silveira T, Tzanakaki A, Tomkos I.
Raman amplification based on multiple low-power lasers. In: Proceedings of the Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications and International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, AICT/ICIW'06. Vol. 2006. ; 2006. pp. 85.
Website Politi C, Klonidis D, Tzanakaki A, O'Mahony M, Tomkos I.
Waveband routed optical packet switch: Implementation and performance evaluation. Optical Engineering [Internet]. 2006;45.
Website Tychopoulos A, Papagiannakis I, Klonidis D, Tzanakaki A, Kikidis J, Koufopavlou O, Tomkos I.
A low-cost inband FEC scheme for SONET/SDH optical metro networks. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters [Internet]. 2006;18:2581-2583.
Website Markidis G, Tzanakaki A, Tomkos I.
CoS assignment based on physical performance parameters in OBS networks. In: 2006 International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. Vol. 4. ; 2006. pp. 14-17.
Website Kouloumentas C, Tzanakaki A, Tomkos I.
All-optical clock recovery at 160 Gbit/s and beyond, based on a fabry-pérot filter and self-phase modulation effect. In: 2006 International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. Vol. 1. ; 2006. pp. 293-296.
Website Sygletos S, Tzanakaki A, Tomkos I.
Cascadability performance of continuous spectrum WB/WSS at 10/40/160 Gb/s. In: 2006 International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. Vol. 4. ; 2006. pp. 80-83.
Website Azodolmolky S, Tzanakaki A, Tomkos I.
Study of the impact of burst assembly algorithms in optical burst switched networks with self-similar input traffic. In: 2006 International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. Vol. 3. ; 2006. pp. 35-40.
Website Markidis G, Sygletos S, Tzanakaki A, Tomkos I.
Impairment constraint routing in 2R-based long haul optical networks. In: 2006 European Conference on Optical Communications Proceedings, ECOC 2006. ; 2006.
Website Markidis G, Sygletos S, Tzanakaki A, Tomkos I.
Impairment constraint based routing in ultra long haul optical networks employing 2R regeneration. In: 2006 International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. Vol. 3. ; 2006. pp. 173-176.
Website Zervas G, Nejabati R, Simeonidou D, Tzanakaki A, Azodolmolky S, Tomkos I.
A hybrid optical burst/circuit switched ingress edge router for grid-enabled optical networks. In: 2006 3rd International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems, BROADNETS 2006. ; 2006.
Website Tychopoulos A, Papagiannakis I, Klonidis D, Tzanakaki A, Koufopavloir O, Tomkos I.
Demonstration of a low-cost inband FEC scheme for STM-64 transparent metro networks. In: 2006 International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. Vol. 3. ; 2006. pp. 87-90.
Website Kouloumentas C, Tzanakaki A, Tomkos I.
Clock Recovery at 160 Gb/s and Beyond, Using a Fiber-Based Optical Power Limiter. IEEE Photonics Technology LettersIEEE Photonics Technology Letters [Internet]. 2006;18(22):2365-2367.
Website Sygletos S, Tzanakaki A, Tomkos I.
Numerical Study of Cascadability Performance of Continuous Spectrum Wavelength Blocker/Selective Switch at 10/40/160 Gb/s. IEEE Photonics Technology LettersIEEE Photonics Technology Letters [Internet]. 2006;18(24):2608-2610.
Website Tychopoulos A, Papagiannakis I, Klonidis D, Tzanakaki A, Kikidis J, Koufopavlou O, Tomkos I.
A Low-Cost Inband FEC Scheme for SONET/SDH Optical Metro Networks. IEEE Photonics Technology LettersIEEE Photonics Technology Letters [Internet]. 2006;18(24):2581-2583.