High prevalence in the Greek population of the 35delG mutation in the connexin 26 gene causing prelingual deafness


Antoniadi T, Rabionet R, Kroupis C, Aperis GA, Economides J, Petmezakis J, Economou-Petersen E, Estivill X, Petersen MB. High prevalence in the Greek population of the 35delG mutation in the connexin 26 gene causing prelingual deafness. Clin.Genet. [Internet]. 1999;55(5):381 - 382.


DA - 19990824 IS - 0009-9163 (Print) IS - 0009-9163 (Linking) LA - eng PT - Letter RN - 0 (Connexins) RN - 127120-53-0 (connexin 26) SB - IM
