Publications by Year: 1996

A dual algorithm for strictly convex quadratic programming with multiple search directions (Ένας δυϊκός αλγόριθμος για αυστηρά κυρτό τετραγωνικό προγραμματισμό με πολυκατευθυντικά βήματα). Proceedings of the 9th Hellenic Conference on Statistics, Xanthi, Greek Statistical Institute, April 1996. 1996:71-78.
Demetriou IC, Lipitakis EA. Case study: Least squares data smoothing by non-negative divided differences. HERMIS 96, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Informatics and Mathematics, E.A. Lipitakis, Editor, Athens, Greece, September 1996. 1996:604-620.