Publications by Year: 2020

Demetriou IC, Perdikas IN. The effectiveness of the piecewise monotonic approximation method for the peak estimation of noisy univariate spectra. In: Proceedings of 2019 3rd International Conference on Control, Artificial Intelligence and Optimization', December 8-10, 2019, Athens. ; 2020. pp. 69-77.
Demetriou IC. Separation theorems for the extrema of best piecewise monotonic approximations to successive data. Optimization Methods and Software. 2020;Vol. 35(3):439-459.
Demetriou IC, Perdikas IN. Peak estimation of univariate spectra by the best $L_1$ piecewise monotonic approximation method. WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control. 2020;15:477-489.