Publications by Year: 2003

Demetriou IC. L1PMA: A Fortran 77 package for best L1 piecewise monotonic data smoothing. Computer Physics Communications (CPC). 2003;Vol. 151:315-338.
Demetriou IC. Robust piecewise monotonic approximation by software package L1PMA (L1PMA: Ένα πακέτο λογισμικού FORTRAN 77 για την κατά τμήματα μονότονη ανθεκτική προσέγγιση). In: Proceedings of the 16th Hellenic Conference on Statistics, Kavala, Greek Statistical Institute. ; 2003. pp. 129-136.
Demetriou IC, Lipitakis EA. Modifications of matrix QR factorizations in least squares data fitting by nonnegative divided differences. HERMIS-$\mu\pi$ Intl. Journal. 2003;Vol. 4:183-197.
Demetriou IC. Least Squares Data Fitting Subject to Decreasing Marginal Returns. In: IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies, Special Volume of the World Congress on Engineering 2012. Vol. 229. Gi-Chul Yang, Sio-long Ao, Len Gelman, Editors. Springer 2013 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 229); 2003. pp. 105-120.