Publications by Year: 2010

Middelkamp S, Kevrekidis PG, Frantzeskakis DJ, Carretero-González R, Schmelcher P. Bifurcations, stability, and dynamics of multiple matter-wave vortex states. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics [Internet]. 2010;82. Website
Shen Y, Williams F, Whitaker N, Kevrekidis PG, Saxena A, Frantzeskakis DJ. On some single-hump solutions of the short-pulse equation and their periodic generalizations. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics [Internet]. 2010;374:2964-2967. Website
Koukouloyannis V, Kevrekidis PG, Law KJH, Kourakis I, Frantzeskakis DJ. Existence and stability of multisite breathers in honeycomb and hexagonal lattices. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical [Internet]. 2010;43. Website
Theocharis G, Weller A, Ronzheimer JP, Gross C, Oberthaler MK, Kevrekidis PG, Frantzeskakis DJ. Multiple atomic dark solitons in cigar-shaped Bose-Einstein condensates. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics [Internet]. 2010;81. Website
Frantzeskakis DJ. Dark solitons in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates: From theory to experiments. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical [Internet]. 2010;43. Website
Middelkamp S, Theocharis G, Kevrekidis PG, Frantzeskakis DJ, Schmelcher P. Dark solitons in cigar-shaped Bose-Einstein condensates in double-well potentials. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics [Internet]. 2010;81. Website
Cockburn SP, Nistazakis HE, Horikis TP, Kevrekidis PG, Proukakis NP, Frantzeskakis DJ. Matter-wave dark solitons: Stochastic versus analytical results. Physical Review Letters [Internet]. 2010;104. Website
Tsitsas NL, Horikis TP, Shen Y, Kevrekidis PG, Whitaker N, Frantzeskakis DJ. Short pulse equations and localized structures in frequency band gaps of nonlinear metamaterials. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics [Internet]. 2010;374:1384-1388. Website
Ma M, Carretero-González R, Kevrekidis PG, Frantzeskakis DJ, Malomed BA. Controlling the transverse instability of dark solitons and nucleation of vortices by a potential barrier. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics [Internet]. 2010;82. Website
Wang C, Kevrekidis PG, Horikis TP, Frantzeskakis DJ. Collisional-inhomogeneity-induced generation of matter-wave dark solitons. Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics [Internet]. 2010;374:3863-3868. Website
Middelkamp S, Kevrekidis PG, Frantzeskakis DJ, Carretero-Gonzàlez R, Schmelcher P. Stability and dynamics of matter-wave vortices in the presence of collisional inhomogeneities and dissipative perturbations. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics [Internet]. 2010;43. Website