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Hopping charge transport mechanisms in conducting polypyrrole: Studying the thermal degradation of the dielectric relaxation. Applied Physics Letters [Internet]. 2005;87:1-3.
Website Papathanassiou AN, Grammatikakis J, Sakellis I, Sakkopoulos S, Vitoratos E, Dalas E.
Thermal degradation of the dielectric relaxation of 10-90% (w/w) zeolite-conducting polypyrrole composites. Synthetic Metals [Internet]. 2005;150:145-151.
Website Papathanassiou AN, Grammatikakis J, Sakellis I, Sakkopoulos S, Vitoratos E, Dalas E.
Thermal degradation of the dielectric relaxation of 10-90% (w/w) zeolite-conducting polypyrrole composites. [Internet]. 2005;150:145-151.