Biography & CV

  • Personal

Date and place of birth: April 20th 1960, Mytilene,Lesvos, Greece

Other Languages: English

Education -Career

1984-1990: Ph.D. Ecology, University of Athens, Department of Biology.

1978-1983: B.S.Biology, University of Athens, Department of Biology.

Academic Appointments

2010-present: Associate Professor University of Athens, Department of Biology

2001-2010: Assistant Professor, University of Athens, Department of Biology.

1992-2001: Lecturer, University of Athens, Department of Biology.

Research interests

Physiological and Ecological Adaptations of Reptiles and Land Snails in Mediterranean type ecosystems: Life history startegies, thermal biology, feeding strategies,adapations in extreme enviroments, metabolism , predation, parasitology, antipredatory strategies comparison between taxa.Island biogeography and animal adaptations in islands: Differentiation of animals in the island ecosystems, survival strategies, endemism. Conservation biology: Conservation physiology, immunoecology, conservation of endemic species. Phylogeny of  Lacertidae: Phylogeny and physiological adaptations.Comparative morphology of animals (inclunding Human).

Research experience – Training

  • Natural History Museum of Wien (July 1985). Study of the Greek Reptile Collections of the Museum (1 week).
  • University of Salamanca, Dept. of Zoology, Spain (December 1989). Specialized environmental physiology techniques (20 days).
  • Field work (June 1999) in Greece with Spanish research group with the research projectPΒ90-0526-CO2-01 of Spanish government (April 1990) (1 month).
  • University of Salamanca, Dept. of Zoology, Spain (October 1990). Specialized
  • environmental physiology techniques (1 week).
  • University of Alicante, Dept. of Zoology, Spain (September 1993). Field work in Balearic Islands (1 month).
  • Natural History Museum and Research Institute Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany.
  • (August 1995). Study of the Greek Reptile Collections of the Museum (1 week).
  • Natural History Museum of Wien (September 1995). Study of the Greek Reptile Collections of the Museum (1 week).
  • Natural History Museum and Research Institute Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany. (July 1996). Study of the Greek Reptile Collections of the Museum (1 month).
  • University of Salamanca, Dept. of Zoology, Spain (December 1997). Specialized environmental physiology techniques (3 months).
  • University of Salamanca, Dept. of Zoology, Spain (June 1999). Specialized  environmental physiology techniques (1 month).
  • University of Michigan (USA) (October-November 2003). Comparative physiology (2 months).
  • University of Michigan (USA) (November-December 2004). Comparative physiology (2 months).
  • Field work (May, July 2005) in Aegean islets in collaboration with the University of Michigan and the University of New Orleans (20 days).
  • Field work (April 2006) in Aegean islets in collaboration with the University of Michigan (15 days).
  • University of Michigan, Dept. of Natural Resources (October 2006). Phylogeny and physiological adaptations.
  • University of Michigan, Dept. of Natural Resources (November 2007). Methods in parasitology of reptiles.