Publications by Year: 1999

Becken W, Schmelcher P, Diakonos FK. The helium atom in a strong magnetic field. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS. 1999;32(6):1557 - 1584.
Antoniou NG, Contoyiannis YF, Diakonos FK. The critical point in QCD and pion fluctuations in heavy ion collisions. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A. 1999;661(14th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions):399C - 402C.
Diakonos FK, Pingel D, Schmelcher P. A stochastic approach to the construction of one-dimensional chaotic maps with prescribed statistical properties. PHYSICS LETTERS A. 1999;264(2-3):162 - 170.
Pingel D, Schmelcher P, Diakonos FK. Theory and examples of the inverse Frobenius-Perron problem for complete chaotic maps. CHAOS. 1999;9(2):357 - 366.