Publications by Year: 2020

Contoyiannis YF, Potirakis SM, Diakonos FK. Stickiness in the order parameter time-series as a signature of criticality. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 2020;544.
Rontgen M, Palaiodimopoulos NE, Morfonios CV, Brouzos I, Pyzh M, Diakonos FK, Schmelcher P. Designing pretty good state transfer via isospectral reductions. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 2020;101(4).
Palkanoglou G, Diakonos FK, Gezerlis A. From odd-even staggering to the pairing gap in neutron matter. PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2020;102(6).
Brouzos I, Kiorpelidis I, Diakonos FK, Theocharis G. Fast, robust, and amplified transfer of topological edge modes on a time-varying mechanical chain. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2020;102(17).
Antoniou NG, Davis N, Diakonos FK, Doultsinos G, Kalntis N, Kanargias A, Kapoyannis AS, Ozvenchuk V, Papanicolas CN, Rybicki A, et al. Decoding the QCD critical behaviour in A plus A collisions. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A. 2020;1003.
Morfonios CV, Rontgen M, Diakonos FK, Schmelcher P. Transfer efficiency enhancement and eigenstate properties in locally symmetric disordered finite chains. ANNALS OF PHYSICS. 2020;418.
Richoux O, Achilleos V, Theocharis G, Brouzos I, Diakonos F. Multi-functional resonant acoustic wave router. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS. 2020;53(23).
Contoyiannis YF, Potirakis SM, Diakonos FK. Wavelet-based detection of scaling behavior in noisy experimental data. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 2020;101(5).