Publications by Year: 2000

Antoniou NG, Contoyiannis YF, Diakonos FK. Fractal geometry of critical systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 2000;62(3):3125 - 3134.
Diakonos FK, Pingel D, Schmelcher P. Analyzing Lyapunov spectra of chaotic dynamical systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 2000;62(3):4413 - 4416.
Pingel D, Schmelcher P, Diakonos FK, Biham O. Theory and applications of the systematic detection of unstable periodic orbits in dynamical systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 2000;62(2):2119 - 2134.
Contoyiannis YF, Diakonos FK. Criticality and intermittency in the order parameter space. PHYSICS LETTERS A. 2000;268(4-6):286 - 292.
Contoyiannis YF, Diakonos FK. The dynamical analog of 3D critical systems at equilibrium Anagnostatos GS, Bishop RF, Gernoth KA, Giapitzakis J, Ginis P, Theophilou A. CONDENSED MATTER THEORIES, VOL 15. 2000;15(23rd International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories (CMT23):117 - 126.
Malakis A, Cousouris C, Diakonos FK, Biham O. Complex and crirical behaviour of a sandpipe model Anagnostatos GS, Bishop RF, Gernoth KA, Giapitzakis J, Ginis P, Theophilou A. CONDENSED MATTER THEORIES, VOL 15. 2000;15(23rd International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories (CMT23):105 - 116.