Publications by Year: 2001

Papachristou PK, Diakonos FK, Mavrommatis E, Constantoudis V. Nonperiodic delay mechanism and fractallike behavior in classical time-dependent scattering. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 2001;64(1).
Diakonos FK. Signatures of critical sigma-clusters in heavy ion collisions. NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS. 2001;92(IXth International Workshop on Multiparticle Production):33 - 42.
Antoniou NG, Contoyiannis YF, Diakonos FK, Karanikas AI, Ktorides CN. Pion production from a critical QCD phase. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A. 2001;693(3-4):799 - 824.
Pingel D, Schmelcher P, Diakonos FK. Detecting unstable periodic orbits in chaotic continuous-time dynamical systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 2001;64(2).