Publications by Year: 2003

Provata A, Tsekouras GA, Diakonos F, Frantzeskakis D, Baras F, Shabunin AV, Astakhov V. Fluctuation-induced local oscillations and fractal patterns in the Lattice Limit Cycle model. FLUCTUATION AND NOISE LETTERS. 2003;3(International Scientific Conference on Synchronization of Chaotic and Stochastic Oscillations2):L241 - L250.
Antoniou NG, Contoyiannis YF, Diakonos FK, Kapoyannis AS. Prospects of detecting the QCD critical point Antoniou NG, Diakonos FK, Ktorides CN. CORRELATIONS & FLUCTUATIONS IN QCD. 2003;(10th International Workshop on Multiparticle Production):190 - 200.
Antoniou NG, Diakonos FK, Kapoyannis AS. Locating the QCD critical point in the phase diagram Antoniou NG, Diakonos FK, Ktorides CN. CORRELATIONS & FLUCTUATIONS IN QCD. 2003;(10th International Workshop on Multiparticle Production):201 - 212.
Contogouris AP, Diakonos FK, Papachristou PK. A model for the Color Glass Condensate versus jet quenching Antoniou NG, Diakonos FK, Ktorides CN. CORRELATIONS & FLUCTUATIONS IN QCD. 2003;(10th International Workshop on Multiparticle Production):279 - 281.
Drouvelis PS, Schmelcher P, Diakonos FK. Two-electron anisotropic quantum dots. EUROPHYSICS LETTERS. 2003;64(2):232 - 238.