Vasilopoulos G, Haberl F, Koliopanos F.
Spectral and temporal properties of BeXRB pulsars during super-Eddington outbursts. In: ; 2017. pp. 231.
WebsiteAbstractNearby galaxies are well suited for investigating X-ray source populations in environments different to our own Galaxy. Sources in these galaxies have well determined distances and are less absorbed than sources in the Galactic plane. The Large and the Small Magellanic Clouds (MC) are the nearest gas-rich star-forming galaxies and their gravitational interactions are believed to have tidally triggered recent bursts of star formation. Here, we will focus on the X-ray spectral and temporal properties of three Be/X-ray binary pulsars located in the MC that have been observed in the recent years with XMM-Newton during super-Eddington outbursts. Phase-resolved spectral analysis has revealed the presence of a non-pulsating soft component. By analysing multiple observations, corresponding to different luminosity levels, we argue that this component could not originate from the surface of a traditional thin disk, but most probably this emission is a result of reprocessed emission from material located near the NS magnetospheric radius. Interestingly, we find that the temperature of this component does not change much with the luminosity of the system, in contrast to its size that increases with increasing luminosity. We argue that this indicates the formation and expansion of an envelope around the magnetosphere of the NS.
Koliopanos F, Vasilopoulos G, Bachetti M, Godet O, Webb N, Barret D.
ULX spectra revisited: Are accreting, highly magnetized neutron stars the engines of ultraluminous X-ray sources?. In: ; 2017. pp. 115.
WebsiteAbstractIn light of recent discoveries of pulsating ULXs and recently introduced models placing neutron stars as the central engines of ULXs, we revisit the spectra of seventeen ULXs, in search of indications that favor this hypothesis. To this end we examined the spectra from XMM-Newton observations of all seventeen sources in our sample. For six sources, these were complimented with spectra from public NuSTAR observations. We demonstrate that the notable ({>}6 keV) spectral curvature observed in most ULXs, is most likely due to thermal emission, with T{>} 1keV. More importantly, we find that a double thermal model (comprised of a 'cool' and 'hot' thermal component) - often associated with emission from neutron star X-ray binaries - describes all ULX spectra in our list. We propose that the dual thermal spectrum is the result of accretion onto highly magnetized NSs, as predicted in recent theoretical models (Mushtukov et al. 2017). We further argue that this finding offers an additional and compelling argument in favor of neutron stars as prime candidates for powering ULXs, as has been recently suggested (King & Lasota 2016; King et al. 2017). In my talk I will discuss the implications of our interpretation along with its merits and shortcomings.
Vasilopoulos G.
Investigating long period X-ray pulsars in the Large Magellanic Cloud. [Internet]. 2017:84.
WebsiteAbstractLong period pulsars (P> 1000 s) constitute a sub-population ofhigh-mass X-ray binaries. To date, only a few of these rare systems,which occupy the tail of the spin period distribution of X-ray pulsars,have been discovered. Nevertheless, their study offers unique insightsinto evolutionary scenarios of the high-mass X-ray binary population. Wepropose four XMM-Newton observations aiming at improving our understandingof long period pulsars. The proposed observations will be performedto two systems located in the Large Magellanic Cloud with known spinperiods for studying their spin evolution, and two new candidate longperiod pulsars in order to increase the number of known systems.
Vasilopoulos G.
Measure spin-up of NGC 300 ULX-1. [Internet]. 2017:5280.
WebsiteAbstractNGC 300 ULX-1 is a newly identified ULX pulsar. The system has shown a extraordinary spin up rate within the last year, when it spun-up from 31 sec to 20 sec. We request 2x10 ks chandra observations separated by 2-4 days in order to accurately measure the spin up rate of the pulsar.
Vasilopoulos G, Haberl F, Maggi P.
Detection of a new X-ray outburst from the SMC Be/X-ray binary Swift J010745.0-722740, confirming the 1180 d orbital period. [Internet]. 2017;10253:1.
WebsiteAbstractSwift_J010745.0-722740 is a BeXRB candidate located in the SMC (ATel #5778) with no X-ray pulsations detected so far. Its companion exhibits strong (0.3-0.4 mag) outbursts, with a recurring time of 1180 d (ATel #5781, #5778).
Vasilopoulos G, Haberl F, Maggi P.
Identification of IGR J01217-7257 with the transient SMC pulsar XTE J0119-731 (SXP 2.16) using XMM-Newton. [Internet]. 2017;470:1971 - 1981.
WebsiteAbstractThe transient IGR J01217-7257 in the Small Magellanic Cloud was found to be in a new outburst during INTEGRAL observations. We triggered an XMM-Newton target of opportunity observation near outburst maximum, which lead to the discovery of X-ray pulsations with a period of 2.165 s. This period is very similar to that detected from XTE J0119-731, suggesting that both sources are identical. The pulse profile obtained from the EPIC-pn instrument is complex and highly energy dependent. Pulse-phase spectroscopy reveals variations in the spectral slope correlated with the changes in flux during the pulse, with the harder X-ray spectrum at pulse maximum and softer during minimum. Analysis of XMM-Newton reflection grating spectra reveals the presence of emission lines that suggest the presence of ionized material around the neutron star. By monitoring the system during its outburst with Swift/XRT we detected a possible transition from the accretor to the propeller stage.
Haberl F, Israel GL, Rodriguez Castillo GA, Vasilopoulos G, Delvaux C, de Luca A, Carpano S, Esposito P, Novara G, Salvaterra R, et al. EXTraS discovery of two pulsators in the direction of the LMC: a Be/X-ray binary pulsar in the LMC and a candidate double-degenerate polar in the foreground. [Internet]. 2017;598:A69.
WebsiteAbstractContext. The Exploring the X-ray Transient and variable Sky (EXTraS) project searches for coherent signals in the X-ray archival data of XMM-Newton. Aims: XMM-Newton performed more than 400 pointed observations in the region of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We inspected the results of the EXTraS period search to systematically look for new X-ray pulsators in our neighbour galaxy. Methods: We analysed the XMM-Newton observations of two sources from the 3XMM catalogue which show significant signals for coherent pulsations. Results: 3XMM J051259.8-682640 was detected as a source with a hard X-ray spectrum in two XMM-Newton observations, revealing a periodic modulation of the X-ray flux with 956 s. As optical counterpart we identify an early-type star with Hα emission. The OGLE I-band light curve exhibits a regular pattern with three brightness dips which mark a period of 1350 d. The X-ray spectrum of 3XMM J051034.6-670353 is dominated by a super-soft blackbody-like emission component (kT 70 eV) which is modulated by nearly 100% with a period of 1418 s. From GROND observations we suggest a star with r' = 20.9 mag as a possible counterpart of the X-ray source. Conclusions: 3XMM J051259.8-682640 is confirmed as a new Be/X-ray binary pulsar in the LMC. We discuss the long-term optical period as the likely orbital period which would be the longest known from a high-mass X-ray binary. The spectral and temporal properties of the super-soft source 3XMM J051034.6-670353 are very similar to those of RX J0806.3+1527 and RX J1914.4+2456 suggesting that it belongs to the class of double-degenerate polars and is located in our Galaxy rather than in the LMC.
Vasilopoulos G, Zezas A, Antoniou V, Haberl F.
SXP 15.6: X-ray spectral and temporal properties of a newly discovered pulsar in the Small Magellanic Cloud. [Internet]. 2017;470:4354 - 4362.
WebsiteAbstractWe report on the X-ray spectral and temporal properties of the Be/X-ray binary system XMMU J004855.5-734946 located in the Small Magellanic Cloud. The system was monitored by Swift/XRT during a moderate outburst in 2016 July, while an unanticipated Chandra target of opportunity observation was triggered when the luminosity of the system was greater than 1036 erg s-1 allowing a detailed study of X-ray properties of the systems. Specifically, its X-ray spectrum, as observed during the outburst, is well modelled by an absorbed power law (Γ = 0.58). Timing analysis of the collected photon events revealed coherent X-ray pulsations with a period of ∼15.64 s, thus confirming XMMU J004855.5-734946 as a high-mass X-ray binary pulsar. By analysing archival XMM-Newton observations, we determined the long-term spin period evolution of the neutron star, showing that the compact star has spun-up by \dot{P}∼ -0.0028 s yr^{-1}. By modelling the X-ray pulsed emission as detected by Chandra, we set constraints on the inclination of the magnetic and rotation axis of the neutron star, as well to its compactness (I.e. (M/M⊙)/(R/km) = 0.095 ± 0.007).
Koliopanos F, Vasilopoulos G, Godet O, Bachetti M, Webb NA, Barret D.
ULX spectra revisited: Accreting, highly magnetized neutron stars as the engines of ultraluminous X-ray sources. [Internet]. 2017;608:A47.
WebsiteAbstract Aims: In light of recent discoveries of pulsating ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) and recently introduced theoretical schemes that propose neutron stars (NSs) as the central engines of ULXs, we revisit the spectra of eighteen well known ULXs, in search of indications that favour this newly emerging hypothesis. Methods: We examine the spectra from high-quality XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations. We use a combination of elementary black body and multicolour disk black body (MCD) models, to diagnose the predictions of classic and novel theoretical models of accretion onto NSs. We re-interpret the well established spectral characteristics of ULXs in terms of accretion onto lowly or highly magnetised NSs, and explore the resulting parameter space for consistency. Results: We confirm the previously noted presence of the low-energy (≲6 keV) spectral rollover and argue that it could be interpreted as due to thermal emission. The spectra are well described by a double thermal model consisting of a "hot" (≳1 keV) and a "cool" (≲0.7 keV) multicolour black body (MCB). Under the assumption that the "cool" MCD emission originates in a disk truncated at the neutron star magnetosphere, we find that all ULXs in our sample are consistent with accretion onto a highly magnetised (B ≳ 1012 G) neutron star. We note a strong correlation between the strength of the magnetic field, the temperature of the "hot" thermal component and the total unabsorbed luminosity. Examination of the NuSTAR data supports this interpretation and also confirms the presence of a weak, high-energy (≳15 keV) tail, most likely the result of modification of the MCB emission by inverse Compton scattering. We also note that the apparent high-energy tail, may simply be the result of mismodelling of MCB emission with an atypical temperature (T) versus radius (r) gradient, using a standard MCD model with a fixed gradient of T r-0.75. Conclusions: We have offered a new and robust physical interpretation for the dual-thermal spectra of ULXs. We find that the best-fit derived parameters of our model, are in excellent agreement with recent theoretical predictions that favour super-critically accreting NSs as the engines of a large fraction of ULXs. Nevertheless, the considerable degeneracy between models and the lack of unequivocal evidence cannot rule out other equally plausible interpretations. Deeper broadband observations and time-resolved spectroscopy are warranted to further explore this newly emerging framework.