
Meneghini, A., Markopoulos, G., & Tuzzi, A. (Submitted). Leaving no one behind? Embeddings-based topic modelling and LLMs to explore international cooperation and regional development in Greece. European Union Politics.
Sigalas, J., Skarpetis, M., Koumboulis, F., Benetos, D., Kouvakas, N., Markopoulos, G., & Papadaki, A. (2024). Design and Implementation of a 3D Printed Robotic Vision System Connected to an Ontology-Based Editor for Manuscript Transcription and Annotation. In FAIEMA 2023 (pp. 16). Springer. Publisher's Version
Stamou, V., Mikros, G., Markopoulos, G., & Varlokosta, S. (2024). Establishing control corpora for depression detection in Modern Greek: Methodological insights. In RAPID 2024 LREC-COLING (pp. 8). Publisher's Version
Γαγιάτσου, Σ., Μαρκόπουλος, Γ., & Μικρός, Γ. (2024). Αυτόματη πρόβλεψη χαρακτηριστικών της προσωπικότητας του συγγραφέα μέσω υφομετρικής ανάλυσης κειμένων. Glossologia, 31, 119-130. Publisher's Version
Mikros, G., Koursaris, A., Bilianos, D., & Markopoulos, G. (2023). AI-Writing Detection Using an Ensemble of Transformers and Stylometric Features. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings (Vol. 3496). Publisher's Version
Meneghini, A., Rizzoli, V., & Markopoulos, G. (2023). Quantitative analysis of interviews in cooperation contexts: a stylometric profiling of relevant psychological processes. In QUALICO 2023. Publisher's Version
Fragkopoulou, K., Manouilidou, C., Markopoulos, G., & Varlokosta, S. (2023). Pronoun Production in the Connected Speech of Greek-Speaking Individuals with Mild-to-Moderate Alzheimer's Disease. SSRN, 36. Publisher's Version
Gagiatsou, S., Markopoulos, G., & Mikros, G. (2021). Prediction of Authors’ Personality Types and Traits in Modern Greek Essays Using Stylometric Features. International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, 13(3-4), 124-133.
Gagiatsou, S., Markopoulos, G., & Mikros, G. (2021). Using Stylometric Features to Predict Author Personality Type in Modern Greek Essays. The Fifteenth International Conference on Digital Society .
Karasimos, A., & Markopoulos, G. (2021). Allomorphy and Greek Nominal Compounds: A computational prediction and analysis. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Patras: University of Patras: Department of Linguistics.
Kamilaki, M., & Markopoulos, G. (2018). Linguistic representations of political identity in social media. In K. Dinas, Magoula, E., & Kalospyros, N. (Eds.), Figura in Praesentia. Athens: Patakis Publications.
Varlokosta, S., Stamouli, S., Karasimos, A., Markopoulos, G., Kakavoulia, M., Nerantzini, M., Fyndanis, V., et al. (2017). Greek Corpus of Aphasic Discourse: Design, implementation and multilevel annotation. In A. Christofidou (Ed.), Aspects of Corpus Linguistics: Principles, applications and challenges (Vol. 14, pp. 181-206). Athens: Academy of Athens: Research Center for Scientific Terms and Neologisms.
Markopoulos, G., & Karasimos, A. (2017). Multilevel Annotation for the Greek Corpus of Aphasic Discourse. (A. Georgakopoulos, Pavlidou, T., Pechlivanos, M., Alexiadou, A., Androutsopoulos, J., Kalokairinos, A., Skopeteas, S., et al., Eds.)Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Berlin: Edition Romiosini/Freie Universität Berlin: CeMoG. Publisher's Version
Mikros, G., & Markopoulos, G. (2017). Using multiword sequences as features in authorship attribution: Experiments based on Greek blog texts. In A. Christofidou (Ed.), Aspects of Corpus Linguistics: Principles, applications and challenges (Vol. 14, pp. 56-67). Athens: Academy of Athens: Research Center for Scientific Terms and Neologisms.
Varlokosta, S., Stamouli, S., Karasimos, A., Markopoulos, G., Kakavoulia, M., Nerantzini, M., Pantoula, A., et al. (2016). A Greek Corpus of Aphasic Discourse: Collection, transcription, and annotation specifications. (D. Kokkinakis, Ed.)Workshop on Resources and Processing of Linguistic and Extra-Linguistic Data from People with Various Forms of Cognitive/Psychiatric Impairments. Linköping, SE: Linköping University Electronic Press. Publisher's Version
Markopoulos, G., Varlokosta, S., Kakavoulia, M., Karasimos, A., Goutsos, D., Economou, A., Stamouli, S., et al. (2015). Greek Corpus of Aphasic Discourse: Annotation Manual (pp. 23). Athens: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Markopoulos, G., Karasimos, A., Sgarbas, K., & Christofidou, A. (2015). Computational Linguistics Terminology. In The Bulletin for Scientific Terminology and Neologisms (Vol. 13, pp. 245-354). Athens: Academy of Athens.
Markopoulos, G., Mikros, G., Iliadi, A., & Liontos, M. (2015). Sentiment Analysis of Hotel Reviews in Greek: A Comparison of Unigram Features. In V. Katsoni (Ed.), Cultural Tourism in a Digital Era (pp. 373-384). Heidelberg: Springer.
Serakioti, D., & Markopoulos, G. (2013). An empirical approach of the basic colour terms in Greek: The effect of compounding. Glossologia, (21), 1-18. Publisher's Version
Prokopidis, P., Bellos, A., Papageorgiou, H., & Markopoulos, G. (2013). Experimental data for an automatic syntactic analysis of Greek texts. (G. Kotzoglou, Nikolaou, K., Karantzola, E., Frantzi, K., & Vlachou, E., Eds.)Selected Papers of the 11th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Rhodes: University of the Aegean: Department of Mediterranean Studies. Publisher's Version
Markopoulos, G., Mikros, G., & Brousalis, G. (2012). Stylometric profiling of the Greek Legal Corpus. (Z. Gavriilidou, Efthymiou, E., Thomadaki, E., & Kambakis-Vougiouklis, P., Eds.)Selected Papers of the 10th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Komotini: Democritus University of Thrace.
Brousalis, G., & Markopoulos, G. (2011). Using corpora in the analysis of legal language. In 8th International Conference of HASE - The Letter of the Law: Law Matters in Language and Literature. presented at the 5 May, Athens.
Prokopidis, P., Desipri, E., Papageorgiou, H., & Markopoulos, G. (2009). TimeEL: Recognition of Temporal Expressions in Greek texts. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Chicago: University of Chicago. Publisher's Version
Markopoulos, G. (2008). Natural Language Processing: Models of linguistic competence or linguistic performance?. In A. Moser, Bakakou-Orfanou, A., Charalambakis, C., & Xeila-Markopoulou, D. (Eds.), Glossis xarin. Festschrift to Professor G. Babiniotis (pp. 489-500). Athens: Ellinika Grammata.
Anagnostopoulou, D., & Markopoulos, G. (2008). Verbs with object predicates: A corpus-based study. Proceedings of the First International Conference "Language in an ever-changing world". Athens: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens: School of Foreign Languages.
Markopoulos, G. (2007). Computer Assisted Language Learning: Past, Present and Future. In Glossikos Periplous: Studies dedicated to Dimitra Theophanopoulou-Kontou (pp. 164-176). Athens: Book Institute - A. Kardamitsas.
Kouklakis, G., Mikros, G., Markopoulos, G., & Koutsis, I. (2007). Corpus Manager: A Tool for Multilingual Corpus Analysis. Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics Conference (CL2007). Birmingham: University of Birmingham: Centre for Corpus Research.
Koutsis, I., Markopoulos, G., & Mikros, G. (2007). Episimiotis: A multilingual tool for hierarchical annotation of texts. Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics Conference (CL2007). Birmingham: University of Birmingham: Centre for Corpus Research.
Georgakopoulos, A., Kostopoulos, I., Markopoulos, G., & Skopeteas, S. (2007). Phrasal compounds in Modern Greek: Plural formation and function. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Ioannina: University of Ioannina: Department of Linguistics.
Gotsoulia, V., Desipri, E., Koutsombogera, M., Prokopidis, P., Papageorgiou, H., & Markopoulos, G. (2007). Towards a frame semantics lexical resource for Greek. (K. De Smedt, Hajič, J., & Kübler, S., Eds.)Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories. Bergen: University of Bergen. Publisher's Version
Aspects of Computational Linguistics: Introduction to Prolog and Morphological Analysis
Markopoulos, G. (2006). Aspects of Computational Linguistics: Introduction to Prolog and Morphological Analysis (pp. 146). Athens: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Markopoulos, G., & Skopeteas, S. (2005). Dialectical variation of word order: Data from speech production. Proceedings of the 6th World Conference on Linguistics: The dialectical variations of Greek from past to present. Corigliano d'Otranto.
Koutsis, G., Kouklakis, G., Mikros, G., & Markopoulos, G. (2005). MINOTAVROS: A tool for the semi-automated creation of large corpora from the Web. Proceedings from the Corpus Linguistics Conference Series. Birmingham: University of Birmingham: Centre for Corpus Research.
Iakovou, M., Markopoulos, G., & Mikros, G. (2003). Compilation of Basic Vocabulary for teaching Modern Greek as a foreign language. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference for Teaching Modern Greek as a Foreign Language. Athens: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens: School of Foreign Languages.
Markopoulos, G., Mikros, G., & Iakovou, M. (2003). Thematic vocabulary of Modern Greek based on electronic corpora: a practical application for teaching Modern Greek as a foreign language. 6th International Conference of Greek Linguistics. Rethymno: University of Crete.
Markopoulos, G. (1997). A two-level description of the Greek Noun Morphology with a unification based word grammar. In A. Ralli, Filokyprou, G., Christodoulakis, D., & Galiotou, E. (Eds.), Working papers in Natural Language Processing (pp. 175-189). Athens: Diavlos.
Markopoulos, G. (1997). Two-level Morphology in Modern Greek. (G. Drachman, Malikouti-Drachman, A., Klidi, C., & Fykias, J., Eds.)Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Salzburg: University of Salzburg.