Brief CV

Yiannis Papadatos is Associate Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology in the Department of History and Archaeology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
He received his degree on Archaeology and History of Art from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of History and Archaeology (1994), and his PhD on Prehistoric Archaeology from the University of Sheffield, Department of Archaeology and Prehistory (1999).
He worked as Postodoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Sheffield (2001-2002) and as contract archaeologist for the Greek Archaeological Service (2002-2007).
He has worked as Adjunct Lecturer in the Hellenic Open University (2002-2010), teaching courses on Greek Civilization, Archaeology and Art.
He is the director of field projects in East Crete. His main research interests comprise the Early and Middle Bronze Age Aegean, Minoan Crete, Funerary Archaeology, Ancient Technology of Ceramics and Metals.