Publications by Year: 2017

Lekkas E, Mavroulis S, Skourtsos E, Andreadakis E, Antoniou V, Kranis C, Soukis K, Lozios S, Alexoudi V. Earthquake environmental effects induced by the 2017 June 12, Mw 6.3 Lesvos (North Aegean Sea, Greece) earthquake. 8th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA). 2017:232-235.
Gawthorpe RL, Andrews JE, Collier REL, Ford M, Henstra GA, Kranis H, Leeder MR, Muravchik M, Skourtsos E. Building up or out? Disparate sequence architectures along an active rift margin—Corinth rift, Greece. Geology. 2017;45(12):1111-1114.
Muravchik M, Henstra GA, Gawthorpe R, Eliassen GT, Leeder MR, Kranis H, Skourtsos E, Andrews J. Grain-Size Distribution and Sedimentary Transport Patterns in Deep Water Rift Basins: Plio-Pleistocene Syn-Rift of the Corinth Rift, Greece. AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition. 2017.
Gawthorpe R, Muravchik M, Henstra GA, Leeder MR, Andrews J, Kranis H, Skourtsos E, Collier R, Ford M. Sequence Variability in Shallow Marine/Deltaic Syn-Rift Systems: Impact of Fault Network Evolution and Sediment Supply Variations, Plio-Pleistocene of the Corinth Rift. AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition. 2017.