Lin MC, Illy S, Avramidis K, Thumm M, Jelonnek J.
Study on the after cavity interaction in a 140 GHz model TE0,3 gyrotron using 3D CFDTD PIC simulations. In: IVEC 2017 - 18th International Vacuum Electronics Conference. Vol. 2018-January. ; 2018. pp. 1-2.
Website Illy S, Kalaria PC, Franck J, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Pagonakis IG, Thumm M, Jelonnek J.
Investigation on misalignment tolerances of 240-GHz DEMO gyrotrons. In: IVEC 2017 - 18th International Vacuum Electronics Conference. Vol. 2018-January. ; 2018. pp. 1-2.
Website Ioannidis ZC, Rzesnicki T, Avramidis K, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Jin J, Kobarg T, Pagonakis IG, Schmid M, Thumm M, et al. First CW experiments with the EU ITER 1 MW, 170 GHz industrial prototype gyrotron. In: IVEC 2017 - 18th International Vacuum Electronics Conference. Vol. 2018-January. ; 2018. pp. 1-2.
Website Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Ioannidis ZC, Pagonakis IG, Rzesnicki T, Thumm M, Jelonnek J, Albajar F, Cau F, Cismondi F, et al. Numerical studies on the influence of cavity thermal expansion on the performance of a high-power gyrotron. In: IVEC 2017 - 18th International Vacuum Electronics Conference. Vol. 2018-January. ; 2018. pp. 1-2.
Website Kalaria PC, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Pagonakis IG, Thumm M, Jelonnek J.
Mode competition control using triode-type start-up scenario for a 236 GHz gyrotron for DEMO. In: GeMiC 2018 - 2018 German Microwave Conference. Vol. 2018-January. ; 2018. pp. 287-290.
Website Ruess S, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Ioannidis Z, Illy S, Kalaria PC, Kobarg T, Pagonakis IG, Ruess T, Rzesnicki T, et al. KIT in-house manufacturing and first operation of a 170 GHz 2 MW longer-pulse coaxial-cavity pre-prototype gyrotron. In: GeMiC 2018 - 2018 German Microwave Conference. Vol. 2018-January. ; 2018. pp. 291-294.
Website Ruess T, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Ioannidis Z, Kalaria P, Obermaier M, Pagonakis IG, Ruess S, Rzesnicki T, et al. Considerations on the selection of operating modes for future coaxial-cavity gyrotrons for DEMO. In: GeMiC 2018 - 2018 German Microwave Conference. Vol. 2018-January. ; 2018. pp. 283-286.
Website Balk MC, Avramidis KA, Illy S, Wu C.
2nd Harmonic Gyrotron simulation with CST STUDIO SUITE®. In: IVEC 2017 - 18th International Vacuum Electronics Conference. Vol. 2018-January. ; 2018. pp. 1-2.
Website Wilde F, Laqua HP, Marsen S, Stange T, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Jelonnek J, Illy S, Pagonakis IG, Thumm M.
Measurements of satellite modes in 140 GHz wendelstein 7-X gyrotrons: An approach to an electronic stability control. In: IVEC 2017 - 18th International Vacuum Electronics Conference. Vol. 2018-January. ; 2018. pp. 1-2.
Website Ruess S, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Ioannidis Z, Illy S, Kalaria PC, Kobarg T, Pagonakis IG, Ruess T, Rzesnicki T, et al. Current Status of the KIT Coaxial-Cavity Long-Pulse Gyrotron and its Key Components. In: EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 187. ; 2018.
Website Ruess T, Avramidis KA, Fuchs M, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Ioannidis Z, Lutz FC, Ruess S, Rzesnicki T, Thumm M, et al. 2018 Status of the Measurement Capabilities for Fusion Gyrotrons at KIT/IHM. In: EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 187. ; 2018.
Website Kalaria PC, George M, Uly S, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Ruess S, Rzesnicki T, Thumm M, Jelonnek J.
Performance analysis of an insert cooling system for long-pulse operation of a coaxial-cavity gyrotron. In: 2018 IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2018. ; 2018. pp. 69-70.
Website Ruess S, Avramidis KA, Fuchs M, Gantenbein G, Ioannidis Z, Illy S, Jin J, Kalaria PC, Kobarg T, Pagonakis IG, et al. KIT coaxial gyrotron development: From ITER toward DEMO. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies [Internet]. 2018;10:547-555.
Website Lin M-C, Illy S, Avramidis KA, Thumm M, Jelonnek J.
Study on after Cavity Interaction in a 140-GHz Model TE0,3 Gyrotron Using 3-D CFDTD PIC Simulation. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science [Internet]. 2018;46:1937-1942.
Website Pagonakis IG, Illy S, Ioannidis ZC, Rzesnicki T, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Kobarg T, Piosczyk B, Thumm M, Jelonnek J.
Numerical Investigation on Spent Beam Deceleration Schemes for Depressed Collector of a High-Power Gyrotron. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices [Internet]. 2018;65:2321-2326.
Website Avramidis KA, Bertinetti A, Albajar F, Cau F, Cismondi F, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Ioannidis ZC, Jelonnek J, Legrand F, et al. Numerical Studies on the Influence of Cavity Thermal Expansion on the Performance of a High-Power Gyrotron. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices [Internet]. 2018;65:2308-2315.
Website Franke T, Agostinetti P, Aiello G, Avramidis K, Bachmann C, Bruschi A, Federici G, Garavaglia S, Granucci G, Grossetti G, et al. Review of the innovative HCD designs and the impact of their configurations on the performance of the EU DEMO fusion power plant reactor. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science [Internet]. 2018;46:1633-1640.
Website Marek A, Avramidis KA, Ginzburg NS, Illy S, Jelonnek J, Jin J, Mishakin SV, Thumm M.
Benefits of advanced full-wave vector analysis codes for the design of high-power microwave tubes. In: GeMiC 2018 - 2018 German Microwave Conference. Vol. 2018-January. ; 2018. pp. 279-282.
Website Ruess T, Avramidis KA, Fuchs M, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Lutz F-C, Marek A, Ruess S, Rzesnicki T, Thumm M, et al. Towards fully automated systems for the generation of very high order modes in oversized waveguides. In: EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 195. ; 2018.
Website Garavaglia S, Aiello G, Alberti S, Avramidis K, Bruschi A, Chelis IG, Franck J, Gantenbein G, Granucci G, Grossetti G, et al. EU DEMO EC system preliminary conceptual design. Fusion Engineering and Design [Internet]. 2018;136:1173-1177.
Website Pagonakis IG, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Ioannidis Z, Legrand F, Ruess S, Ruess T, Rzesnicki T, Thumm M, et al. Magnetron Injection Gun for the 2 MW 170 GHz Modular Coaxial Cavity Gyrotron. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2018-September. ; 2018.
Website Kalaria PC, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Pagonakis IG, Thumm M, Jelonnek J.
Influence of Electron Beam Misalignment on the Performance of a 0.24 THz, 1.5 MW Hollow-Cavity Gyrotron Design for DEMO. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2018-September. ; 2018.
Website Rzesnicki T, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Joannidis ZC, Jin J, Pagonakis IG, Ruess S, Ruess T, Schmid M, et al. Development and First Operation of the 170 GHz, 2 MW Longer-Pulse Coaxial-Cavity Modular Gyrotron Prototype at KIT. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2018-September. ; 2018.
Website Illy S, Avramidis KA, Jackowski L, Kdous W, Jelonnek J.
Optimized Vertical Collector Sweeping for High Power CW Gyrotrons Using Advanced Current Waveforms. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2018-September. ; 2018.
Website Avramidis KA, Aiello G, Brucker PT, Gantenbein G, George M, Grossetti G, Illy S, Joannidis IC, Jin J, Kalaria PC, et al. Overview of Recent Gyrotron RD at KIT in View of the EU DEMO. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2018-September. ; 2018.
Website Pagonakis IG, Wu C, Ell B, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Thumm M, Jelonnek J.
Progress in the development of a multistage depressed collector system for high power gyrotrons. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. Vol. 2018-September. ; 2018.
Website Jelonnek J, Aiello G, Avramidis K, Gantenbein G, Grossetti G, Illy S, Ioannidis ZC, Jin J, Kalaria P, Marek A, et al. 2018 Status on KIT Gyrotron Activities. In: EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 187. ; 2018.
Website Marek A, Avramidis KA, Copplestone SM, Ginzburg NS, Illy S, Jelonnek J, Jin J, Mishakin SV, Ortwein P, Thumm M.
Contributions to the Joint DFG-RSF Project - Generation of Ultra-Short Microwave Pulses - Generation o. In: EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 187. ; 2018.