Kostas Theofilatos is passioned to understand how nature works at the most fundamental level.
He received a BSc in Physics from University of Partas (2002), a MSc in Physics from National Technical University of Athens (2005) and a PhD in Physics from National Technical University of Athens and NCSR Demokritos (2009). He then moved at CERN as research associate working for the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) where he got promoted to Oberassistent (research, teaching and management of research) in 2015. He left from ETH Zurich in 2018 for getting appointed as Associate Professor of Physics in National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
He is member of the CMS collaboration at CERN since September 2006 and his research focuses on studying the interactions occurring in proton-proton collisions at the LHC. He has conducted several different LHC physics analyses in the realm of searches for new physics and standard model precision measurements. He has represented the CMS experiment as plenary speaker (or session convener) in international conferences and prestigious workshops. He served multiple times as member or chair of CMS analysis review committees and as external reviewer in peer-reviewed journals.
Within the CMS collaboration, he has shouldered several different experimental responsibilities, including L3 convener of CMS Standard Model Physics Vector boson plus jets analysis subgroup and L2 convener of the CMS Standard Model Physics group during the period that LHC geared-up for first time in 13 TeV. During his PhD studies he served as coordinator of the ECAL detector calibration in the 2007 electron testbeam campaign at CERN.
For the most updated version of the CV please check in www.cern.ch/theofil