Assessing the Sensitivity of COSMO/GR Atmospheric Model to Effectively Simulate the Influence of Diabatic Heating on Eastern Mediterranean Explosive Cyclogenesis Under Different Parameterizations of the Model Physics


Kouroutzoglou, J, E Avgoustoglou, HA Flocas, M Hatzaki, P Skrimizeas, A Lalos, K Keay, and I Simmonds. 2017. Assessing the Sensitivity of COSMO/GR Atmospheric Model to Effectively Simulate the Influence of Diabatic Heating on Eastern Mediterranean Explosive Cyclogenesis Under Different Parameterizations of the Model Physics. In Perspectives on Atmospheric Sciences, T Karacostas, Bais, A, and Nastos, PT, 9–15. 1st ed. Springer International Publishing.