
Rizou, Despoina, Helena A Flocas, Maria Hatzaki, and Aristidis Bartzokas. 2018. A Statistical Investigation of the Impact of the Indian Monsoon on the Eastern Mediterranean Circulation. Atmosphere 9, no. 3. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The Indian summer monsoon (ISM) is a prominent feature of the summer circulation in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) and has been found to modulate the weather and climate conditions in many remote regions. This study investigates the most recurrent patterns of summertime midlatitude circulation, over the eastern Mediterranean (EM) and also globally, that are most associated with the ISM. Monthly data of 44 summers from the ERA40 dataset are used and two multidimensional statistical methods, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA), are implemented. The ISM is found to be related to subsidence anomalies in the middle and more extendedly in the upper troposphere over the central and eastern Mediterranean and with an Etesian-like pattern regarding the field of the lower troposphere winds. An equatorial Rossby wave pattern, extending westward from an ISM heat source up to EM and N. Africa, was identified to be associated with the variability of ISM. The observed relationship between the ISM and the EM circulation features can be attributed to this equatorial Rossby wave response to the monsoon forcing. CCA implementation revealed the interconnection of the aforementioned PCA results with an ISM action center over the northern Arabian Sea and the monsoon trough region.
Sifnioti, Dafni, Takvor Soukissian, Serafim Poulos, Panagiotis Nastos, and Maria Hatzaki. 2017. Evaluation of in-situ wind speed and wave height measurements against reanalysis data for the Greek Seas. Mediterranean Marine Science 13, no. 3. Publisher's VersionAbstract
ERA-Interim, ECMWF’s reanalysis product, includes wave and atmospheric characteristics, with high temporal andspatial scale, providing more information on the marine state. Even though their assimilation process has been validated and verified in numerous studies, their performance in more local scales is still under examination. This research focuses on the evaluation of performance of ERA-Interim reanalysis datasets in the Greek Seas for wind and wave characteristics in comparison to POSEIDON buoy data. The results prove fair to good correlation for wave height (r = 0.67-0.94) and wind speed (r= 0.71-0.83) and different error statistics per sub-region. The upper 10% analysis shows an underestimate of 10-15% for wind speed and wave height from ERA-Interim in relation to the buoy measurements. The ERA-Interim and the buoy monthly means and standard deviations are also presented and discussed according to seasonal patterns. The results of the study are compared to other researches of wave hindcasting and wind reanalysis data for the Greek Seas and globally. It is shown that ERA-Interim products could be regarded as representative for the Greek Seas, although their application should be made with caution regarding the assessment of extreme conditions (i.e. given in analyses of upper percentiles) and especially at nearshore locations due to complex coastline configuration enhanced by the great number of islands
Kouroutzoglou, J, E Avgoustoglou, HA Flocas, M Hatzaki, P Skrimizeas, A Lalos, K Keay, and I Simmonds. 2017. Assessing the Sensitivity of COSMO/GR Atmospheric Model to Effectively Simulate the Influence of Diabatic Heating on Eastern Mediterranean Explosive Cyclogenesis Under Different Parameterizations of the Model Physics. In Perspectives on Atmospheric Sciences, T Karacostas, Bais, A, and Nastos, PT, 9–15. 1st ed. Springer International Publishing.
Karvelis, H, J Kouroutzoglou, HA Flocas, M Hatzaki, K Tsiourta, A Lalos, K Keay, and I Simmonds. 2017. Comparison of the synoptic environment and mechanisms of two cases of surface cyclogenesis in Greek area associated to strong low-level cold surges. In Perspectives on Atmospheric Sciences, T Karacostas, Bais, A, and Nastos, PT, 397–402. 1st ed. Springer International Publishing.
Hatzaki, M, E Bitsa, HA Flocas, J Kouroutzoglou, L Garde, and I Simmonds. 2017. Study of cold anticyclones generating in the Mediterranean. In Perspectives on Atmospheric Sciences, T Karacostas, Bais, A, and Nastos, PT, 515–520. 1st ed. Springer International Publishing.
Hatzaki, M, and R Wu. 2015. The south-eastern Europe winter precipitation variability in relation to the North Atlantic SST. Atmospheric Research 152: 61 - 68. Publisher's Version
Kouroutzoglou, J, HA Flocas, M Hatzaki, K Keay, I Simmonds, and A Mavroudis. 2015. On the dynamics of a case study of explosive cyclogenesis in the Mediterranean. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 127, no. 1: 49 - 73. Publisher's Version
Athanasopoulou, E, D Rieger, C Walter, H Vogel, A Karali, M Hatzaki, E Gerasopoulos, et al. 2014. Fire risk, atmospheric chemistry and radiative forcing assessment of wildfires in eastern Mediterranean. Atmospheric Environment 95: 113 - 125. Website
Kouroutzoglou, J, HA Flocas, M Hatzaki, K Keay, and I Simmonds. 2014. A high-resolution climatological study on the comparison between surface explosive and ordinary cyclones in the Mediterranean. Regional Environmental Change 14, no. 5: 1833 - 1846. Website
Karali, A, M Hatzaki, C Giannakopoulos, A Roussos, G Xanthopoulos, and V Tenentes. 2014. Sensitivity and evaluation of current fire risk and future projections due to climate change: The case study of Greece. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 14, no. 1: 143 - 153. Website
Kostopoulou, E, C Giannakopoulos, M Hatzaki, A Karali, P Hadjinicolaou, J Lelieveld, and MA Lange. 2014. Spatio-temporal patterns of recent and future climate extremes in the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 14, no. 6: 1565 - 1577. Website
Hatzaki, M, HA Flocas, I Simmonds, J Kouroutzoglou, K Keay, and I Rudeva. 2014. Seasonal aspects of an objective climatology of anticyclones affecting the Mediterranean. Journal of Climate 27, no. 24: 9272 - 9289. Publisher's Version
Karali, A, A Roussos, C Giannakopoulos, M Hatzaki, G Xanthopoulos, and K Kaoukis. 2013. Evaluation of the Canadian Fire Weather Index in Greece and Future Climate Projections. In Advances in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics, Costas G Helmis and Nastos, Panagiotis T, 501–508. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Website
Giannakopoulos, C, E Kostopoulou, P Hadjinicolaou, M Hatzaki, A Karali, J Lelieveld, and MA Lange. 2013. Impacts of Climate Change Over the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East Region Using the Hadley Centre PRECIS RCM. In Advances in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics, Costas G Helmis and Nastos, Panagiotis T, 457–463. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Website
Kouroutzoglou, J, HA Flocas, M Hatzaki, K Keay, and I Simmonds. 2013. On the Dynamics of Mediterranean Explosive Cyclogenesis. In Advances in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics, Costas G Helmis and Nastos, Panagiotis T, 563–570. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Website
Kostopoulou, E, C Giannakopoulos, M Hatzaki, A Karali, P Hadjinicolaou, J Lelieveld, and MA Lange. 2013. Assessment of Climate Change Extremes Over the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East Region Using the Hadley Centre PRECIS Regional Climate Model. In Advances in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics, Costas G Helmis and Nastos, Panagiotis T, 547–554. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Website
Hatzaki, M, and R Wu. 2013. Relationship of South-Eastern Europe Winter Precipitation with North Atlantic SST. In Advances in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics, Costas G Helmis and Nastos, Panagiotis T, 479–486. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Website
Goodess, Clare M, Maureen D Agnew, Christos Giannakopoulos, Debbie Hemming, SkanderBen Salem, Marco Bindi, MohamedNejmeddine Bradai, et al. 2013. Integration of the Climate Impact Assessments with Future Projections. In Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean: Volume 3: Case Studies, Antonio Navarra and Tubiana, Laurence, 105–162. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. Website
Hemming, Debbie, Maureen D Agnew, Clare M Goodess, Christos Giannakopoulos, SkanderBen Salem, Marco Bindi, MohamedNejmeddine Bradai, et al. 2013. Climate Impact Assessments. In Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean: Volume 3: Case Studies, Antonio Navarra and Tubiana, Laurence, 61–104. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. Website
Agnew, Maureen D, Clare M Goodess, Debbie Hemming, Christos Giannakopoulos, SkanderBen Salem, Marco Bindi, MohamedNejmeddine Bradai, et al. 2013. Physical and Socio-economic Indicators. In Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean: Volume 3: Case Studies, Antonio Navarra and Tubiana, Laurence, 39–60. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. Website
Agnew, Maureen D, Clare M Goodess, Debbie Hemming, Christos Giannakopoulos, Marco Bindi, Camilla Dibari, Hesham El-Askary, et al. 2013. Stakeholders. In Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean: Volume 3: Case Studies, Antonio Navarra and Tubiana, Laurence, 23–37. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. Website
Agnew, Maureen D, Clare M Goodess, Debbie Hemming, Christos Giannakopoulos, SkanderBen Salem, Marco Bindi, MohamedNejmeddine Bradai, et al. 2013. Introduction. In Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean: Volume 3: Case Studies, Antonio Navarra and Tubiana, Laurence, 3–21. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. Website
Kouroutzoglou, J, HA Flocas, M Hatzaki, K Keay, I Simmonds, and A Mavroudis. 2013. Identification of the development mechanisms of an explosive cyclone in the central Mediterranean with the aid of the MSG satellite images. In Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 8795. Website
Flocas, HA, P Kountouris, J Kouroutzoglou, M Hatzaki, K Keay, and I Simmonds. 2013. Vertical characteristics of cyclonic tracks over the eastern Mediterranean during the cold period of the year. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 112, no. 3-4: 375 - 388. Website
Giannakopoulos, C, P LeSager, M Moriondo, M Bindi, A Karali, M Hatzaki, and E Kostopoulou. 2012. Comparison of fire danger indices in the Mediterranean for present day conditions. IForest 5, no. 4: 197 - 203. Website
Kouroutzoglou, J, HA Flocas, K Keay, I Simmonds, and M Hatzaki. 2012. On the vertical structure of Mediterranean explosive cyclones. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 110, no. 1-2: 155 - 176. Website
Kostopoulou, E, C Giannakopoulos, M Hatzaki, and K Tziotziou. 2012. Climate extremes in the NE Mediterranean: Assessing the E-OBS dataset and regional climate simulations. Climate Research 54, no. 3: 249 - 270. Website
Flocas, HA, M Hatzaki, K Tolika, C Anagnostopoulou, E Kostopoulou, C Giannakopoulos, E Kolokytha, and I Tegoulias. 2011. Ability of RCM/GCM couples to represent the relationship of large scale circulation to climate extremes over the Mediterranean region. Climate Research 46, no. 3: 197 - 209. Website
Kouroutzoglou, J, HA Flocas, I Simmonds, K Keay, and M Hatzaki. 2011. Assessing characteristics of Mediterranean explosive cyclones for different data resolution. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 105, no. 1: 263 - 275. Website
Kouroutzoglou, J, HA Flocas, K Keay, I Simmonds, and M Hatzaki. 2011. Climatological aspects of explosive cyclones in the Mediterranean. International Journal of Climatology 31, no. 12: 1785 - 1802. Website
Flocas, HA, I Simmonds, J Kouroutzoglou, K Keay, M Hatzaki, V Bricolas, and D Asimakopoulos. 2010. On cyclonic tracks over the Eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Climate 23, no. 19: 5243 - 5257. Website
Hatzaki, M, HA Flocas, C Oikonomou, and C Giannakopoulos. 2010. Future changes in the relationship of precipitation intensity in Eastern Mediterranean with large scale circulation. Advances in Geosciences 23: 31 - 36. Website
Oikonomou, C, HA Flocas, M Hatzaki, A Nisantzi, and DN Asimakopoulos. 2010. Relationship of extreme dry spells in Eastern Mediterranean with large-scale circulation. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 100, no. 1: 137 - 151. Website
Oikonomou, C, HA Flocas, G Katavoutas, M Hatzaki, DN Asimakopoulos, and C Zerefos. 2010. On the relationship of orography with extreme dry spells in Greece. Advances in Geosciences 25: 161 - 166. Website
Helmis, CG, VD Assimakopoulos, HA Flocas, OI Stathopoulou, G Sgouros, and M Hatzaki. 2009. Indoor air quality assessment in the air traffic control tower of the Athens Airport, Greece. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 148, no. 1-4: 47 - 60. Website
Hatzaki, M, HA Flocas, C Giannakopoulos, and P Maheras. 2009. The impact of the eastern Mediterranean teleconnection pattern on the Mediterranean climate. Journal of Climate 22, no. 4: 977 - 992. Website
Oikonomou, C, HA Flocas, M Hatzaki, DN Asimakopoulos, and C Giannakopoulos. 2008. Future changes in the occurrence of extreme precipitation events in Eastern Mediterranean. Global Nest Journal 10, no. 2: 255 - 262. Website
Hatzaki, M, P Lingis, HA Flocas, S Michaelides, and C Oikonomou. 2008. The impact of an upper tropospheric teleconnection pattern on precipitation extremes over Cyprus. Advances in Geosciences 16: 131 - 136. Website
Hatzaki, M, HA Flocas, DN Asimakopoulos, and P Maheras. 2007. The eastern Mediterranean teleconnection pattern: Identification and definition. International Journal of Climatology 27, no. 6: 727 - 737. Website
Hatzaki, M, HA Flocas, DN Asimakopoulos, C Giannakopoulos, and P Maheras. 2006. Study of future climatic variations of a teleconnection pattern affecting Eastern Mediterranean. Global NEST Journal 8, no. 3: 195-203. Publisher's Version