About me

Dr. Margarita-Niki Assimakopoulos is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics of the Department of Applied Physics and Meteorology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She is Head of the Group of Building Environmental Studies which consists of 8 researchers of various categories and Director of the Laboratory for Measurements of the Indoor Environment. She graduated from the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (MEng, Electrical and Electronic Engineer, 1999) in London. Her post graduate studies as well as her doctoral dissertation were completed at the Ecole National de Travaux Publique de l'État in Lyon (D.E. Génie Civil, Bâtiment et Environnement, 2001 &Doctorat Génie Civil, Bâtiment et Environnement, 2005). She has participated in more than 18 research projects both international and national. Currently she is the scientific responsible of 7 European projects under the framework of HORIZON 2020. She is the European Coordinator for ZERO+: Achieving near Zero and Positive Energy Settlements in Europe using Advanced Energy Technology’, H2020-EE-2015-1-PPP. Author of more than 70 publications in peer reviewed international journals and conferences. Furthermore, she has been acting as a reviewer for several scientific journals on energy efficiency and natural science (Journal of the International Solar Energy, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Ventilation, Advances in Building Energy Research). The main research areas she attends to are: Energy Efficiency of Buildings, Indoor and Outdoor Pollution and Environmental Quality, Advanced Building Materials, Building Management technologies. She is a board member (treasurer) for the European Cool Roofs Council and she holds a place on the ELOTs Technical committee for the Energy Performance of Buildings.