Developments in the systemic treatment of endometrial cancer


Mountzios G, Pectasides D, Bournakis E, Pectasides E, Bozas G, Dimopoulos M-A, Papadimitriou CA. Developments in the systemic treatment of endometrial cancer. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology [Internet]. 2011;79(3):278 - 292.


Systemic treatment represents the cornerstone of endometrial cancer management in advanced, relapsed and metastatic disease, which is still characterized by poor prognosis. Progestins remain an effective option for patients with low grade, estrogen and/or progesterone receptor positive disease, with some of them achieving prolonged survival. Platinum compounds, anthracyclines and more recently taxanes have been implemented in combination regimens achieving response rates more than 50% and resulting in overall survival above 1 year in randomized trials. Adjuvant chemotherapy with the same agents may be useful for patients with early stage disease and high-risk features, such as high grade or non-endometrioid histology. Combination of chemotherapeutic agents with radiotherapy remains investigational. Hematologic, cardiac toxicity and neurotoxicity represent the main concern of chemotherapy and increase the risk for treatment-related morbidity and death, especially in pretreated patients bearing substantial co-morbidities. The gradual elucidation of the molecular aspects of endometrial carcinogenesis has led to the development of novel, selective antineoplastic agents, targeting specific molecular pathways and mediators of signal transduction implemented in cell proliferation, survival and angiogenesis. In the current review, we report on the recent advances regarding systemic therapy of endometrial carcinoma with special emphasis on results of large, randomized phase III clinical trials. Biomarkers with potent prognostic significance or predictive value for response to treatment are presented and novel molecular agents showing promising results in early clinical trials are discussed. © 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd.


Cited By :16Export Date: 21 February 2017
