Expansion of CD8+ T cells that express low levels of the B cell-specific molecule CD20 in patients with multiple myeloma


Katopodis O, Liossis S-N, Viglis V, Pouli A, Dimopoulos M-A, Sfikakis PP. Expansion of CD8+ T cells that express low levels of the B cell-specific molecule CD20 in patients with multiple myeloma. British Journal of Haematology [Internet]. 2003;120(3):478 - 481.


An expanded cytotoxic/memory T-cell subpopulation expressing low levels of the B-cell-specific CD20 molecule was found in peripheral blood and bone marrow of patients with multiple myeloma at the time of diagnosis, but returned to normal levels following treatment. CD3+CD20dim cells were also increased in monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance albeit at lower levels. Lower CD3+CD20dim cell numbers at baseline may be associated with lack of response to treatment and a poor outcome. Because expansion of these T cells may be related to disease status, further studies should investigate their potentially unique function in plasma cell dyscrasias.


Cited By :4Export Date: 21 February 2017
