Publications by Year: 2005

Zorzou MP, Efstathiou E, Galani E, Bozas G, Kastritis E, Papadimitriou C, Dimopoulos MA, Bamias A. Carboplatin hypersensitivity reactions: A single institution experience. Journal of Chemotherapy [Internet]. 2005;17(1):104 - 110. WebsiteAbstract
Carboplatin-related hypersensitivity reactions, frequently encountered in the heavily pretreated subpopulation of patients with gynecologic malignancies, can be severe and even potentially lethal - precluding these patients from an effective salvage treatment. We describe our experience in the management of such reactions and the application of a pretreatment protocol with corticosteroids, antihistamines and a slow infusion rate in order to safely re-administer carboplatin to the above patients. From 1998 to 2004, twenty patients developed an allergic reaction to carboplatin. Sixteen of them (80%) suffered from ovarian cancer. Upon resolution of the acute reaction, thirteen patients were pretreated according to our protocol and were re-exposed to carboplatin. Fifteen patients experienced the reaction during second-line carboplatin-based treatment and 5 patients after 3 or more regimens. Fifteen of the reactions (75%) were severe. Thirteen patients were re-treated with carboplatin after the application of our protocol, all of them successfully, even though 10 patients (77%) experienced minor symptoms during subsequent courses. On the contrary, only one of the 6 patients who were re-treated without the application of the protocol was able to receive further platinum-based treatment. In conclusion, pretreatment with corticosteroids, antihistamines and a slower infusion rate may make re-treatment possible in patients having experienced hypersensitivity to carboplatin. © E.S.I.F.T. srl - Firenze.
Bamias A, Efstathiou E, Moulopoulos LA, Gika D, Hamilos G, Zorzou MP, Kakoyiannis C, Kastritis E, Bozas G, Papadimitriou C, et al. The outcome of elderly patients with advanced urothelial carcinoma after platinum-based combination chemotherapy. Annals of Oncology [Internet]. 2005;16(2):307 - 313. WebsiteAbstract
Background: The majority of patients with advanced urothelial cancer are elderly, but data regarding this specific age group are limited. We compared the tolerability and efficacy of first-line platinum (cisplatin or carboplatin)-based chemotherapy in elderly patients (≥70 years) with those in younger patients. Patients and methods: A total of 381 patients with advanced urothelial carcinoma received CIMV (cisplatin, ifosphamide, methotrexate, vinblastine) (n=32), MVAC (methotrexate, vinblastine, doxorubicin, cisplatin) (n=105), DC (docetaxel, cisplatin) (n=174), CaG (carboplatin, gemcitabine) (n=64) or other regimes (n=6) and were included in this analysis. Results: A total of 116 patients were ≥70 years. Elderly patients experienced more frequent neutropenia grade 3/4 (55% versus 37%, P=0.087) and renal toxicity (28% versus 10%, P=0.033) among patients treated with CIMV/MVAC, and neutropenic infections (4% versus 0%, P=0.019) among patients treated with DC. Median survival did not differ significantly between elderly and younger patients (9.3 versus 10.5 months, P=0.16). Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (PS) and haemoglobin were independently associated with prognosis. Patients with PS <2 and haemoglobin ≥10g/dl had a median survival of 14 months as opposed to 5 months for patients with PS ≥2 or haemoglobin <10g/dl (P <0.001). Conclusion: Elderly patients with advanced urothelial cancer tolerate platinum-based chemotherapy well and derive the same benefit as their younger counterparts. © 2005 European Society for Medical Oncology.
Razis E, Skarlos D, Briasoulis E, Dimopoulos M, Fountzilas G, Lambropoulos S, Rigatos S, Kopterides P, Efstathiou H, Tzamakou E, et al. Treatment of non-small cell lung cancer with gefitinib ('lressa', ZD1839): The Greek experience with a compassionate-use program. Anti-Cancer Drugs [Internet]. 2005;16(2):191 - 198. WebsiteAbstract
This is a retrospective analysis of 150 patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer who had failed prior treatment or were unfit for chemotherapy and were treated with oral gefitinib ('lressa', ZD1839; AstraZeneca) 250 mg/day. Thirty-two patients who received gefitinib for 3 weeks or less were not included in the analysis. For the remaining 118 evaluable patients, the mean age was 63.1 years; most patients had received prior chemotherapy (97.5%), Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status scores 0-2 (97.4%) and stage IV disease (64.4%). The majority were symptomatic (84.6%). Disease control was observed in 30 patients (25.4%), of whom five had a partial response and 25 had stable disease; 18 (15.3%) were not evaluable. Median duration of treatment was 29.9 weeks in responding patients and 11.5 in patients with progressive disease (p<0.0001). Median overall survival was 7.3 months (15.2 months for disease control) and median progression-free survival was 3.2 months. Gefitinib was well tolerated, with grade 3/4 skin rash and diarrhea seen in 2.5 and 4.2% of patients, respectively. Clinical benefit was evaluated using questionnaires before and following treatment with gefitinib. In 82 patients with completed questionnaires, evaluation revealed symptom improvement in 40.1% and improvement in general feeling in 31.4%. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) analysis found that efficacy did not correlate with tumor EGFR overexpression. Therefore, in this retrospective analysis, gefitinib treatment provided disease control in 25% of patients who derived significant palliative benefit. © 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Bamias A, Dimopoulos MA. Thalidomide and immunomodulatory drugs in the treatment of cancer. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs [Internet]. 2005;14(1):45 - 55. WebsiteAbstract
Thalidomide has antiangiogenic and immunomodulatory properties and has recently been used in the management of human malignancies. Multiple studies have confirmed its activity in multiple myeloma, alone or combined with dexamethasone and/or chemotherapy as first- or second-line treatment. In addition, it may reduce the need for transfusions in patients with myelofibrosis or myelodysplastic syndromes. The activity of thalidomide in solid tumours is less prominent. The most promising results have been reported in Kaposi's sarcoma, malignant melanoma and prostate cancer, especially when it is combined with chemotherapy. Recently, thalidomide analogues (immunomodulatory drugs), with higher immunomodulatory activity and different toxicity profile, have been developed. They have already shown promising activity in multiple myeloma and are currently being evaluated in clinical studies. © 2005 Ashley Publications Ltd.
Galani E, Alamanis C, Dimopoulos MA. Familial female and male germ cell cancer. A new syndrome?. Gynecologic Oncology [Internet]. 2005;96(1):254 - 255. WebsiteAbstract
A small percentage of germ cell tumors is known to be familial. There are several reports describing familial cases of testicular germ cell tumors; however, there are only a few of them reporting germ cell tumors that occurred in both males and females of the same family. We present a family with three children, two females and one male, previously healthy, who all developed germ cell malignancies. The first sibling was diagnosed with malignant teratoma of the ovary, the second one with dysgerminoma involving both ovaries, and the male one with both embryonal carcinoma and seminoma of the testicle. Our case report suggests that the possibility of an association between germ cell tumors of both ovaries and testis should be considered. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Dimopoulos MA, Merlini G, Leblond V, Anagnostopoulos A, Alexanian R. How we treat Waldenström's macroglobululinemia. Haematologica [Internet]. 2005;90(1):117 - 125. WebsiteAbstract
Waldenström's macroglobulinemia (WM) is a lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma which produces monoclonal immunoglobulin M (IgM). Over the last decade, new treatment modalites have been developed for the management of this disorder. Our objective is to provide treatment recommendations for WM. A review of published reports was facilitated by a MEDLINE computer search and by a manual search of Index Medicus. Other sources included abstracts and conference proceedings. Most patients with WM who are diagnosed by chance without symptoms should not be treated. Initiation of treatment should not be based on level of serum monoclonal protein per se. The presence of cytopenia, significant adenopathy or organomegaly, symptomatic hyperviscosity, severe neuropathy or cryoglobulinemia indicates the need for treatment. The main choices for primary treatment of symptomatic patients with WM include alkylating agents, the nucleoside analogs fludarabine or cladribine and the monoclonal antibody rituximab or combinations of these programs. There are no data from prospective randomized studies to recommend the use of one program over another. Nevertheless, the need for rapid disease control may favor the use of nucleoside analogs, whereas the presence of significant cytopenia may favor rituximab. High dose therapy with autologous stem cell transplantation may induce responses even in patients with resistance to all three class of agents. It may be prudent to avoid nucleoside analogs in patients who are candidates for high dose therapy. Despite the lack of randomized trials, a rational approach to the treatment of patients with WM is possible. Several factors, including the presence of cytopenias, need for rapid disease control, candidacy for autologous stem cell transplantation, age and co-morbid conditions, should be taken into consideration when choosing the most appropriate primary treatment.
Zorzou M-P, Markaki S, Rodolakis A, Kastritis E, Bozas G, Dimopoulos MA, Papadimitriou CA. Clinicopathological features of ovarian carcinosarcomas: A single institution experience. Gynecologic Oncology [Internet]. 2005;96(1):136 - 142. WebsiteAbstract
The aim of this study was to elucidate the clinicopathological and immunohistochemical prognostic factors of patients with ovarian carcinosarcoma treated with radical surgery and postoperative chemotherapy. During a 6-year period, nine patients with ovarian carcinosarcoma were referred to our institution. Tissue blocks were reviewed and sections containing both carcinomatous and sarcomatous elements were stained for epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), vimentin, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), CD45RO, c-erbB-2, p53, CD34, Ki67, S100, estrogen, and progesterone receptors. Histological and immunohistochemical findings as well as clinical characteristics were then correlated with progression-free interval and overall survival. There were four homologous and five heterologous carcinosarcomas. Five patients had early stage disease. Seven of the patients were optimally debulked. All patients were treated with anthracycline-based chemotherapy following surgery. With regard to immunohistochemistry, all specimens were negative for CD34, c-erbB-2, estrogen, and progesterone receptor expression. Five tumors overexpressed p53 and four specimens demonstrated a positive staining for Ki67. Reactivity for VEGF and CD45RO was observed in four and two tumor specimens, respectively. The median overall survival was 32.9 months with no statistical difference between early and advanced stages, while median time to progression was 13.5 months. p53 overexpression demonstrated a trend for better overall survival. Only p53 overexpression seems to influence overall survival although, due to the small number of patients studied, no safe conclusions can be drawn. Despite the predominance of early stage patients that favorably influenced overall survival, aggressive surgical cytoreduction followed by anthracycline-based treatment were the cornerstone in our multimodality approach. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Efstathiou E, Bozas G, Kostakopoulos A, Kastritis E, Deliveliotis C, Antoniou N, Skarlos D, Papadimitriou C, Dimopoulos MA, Bamias A. Combination of docetaxel, estramustine phosphate, and zoledronic acid in androgen-independent metastatic prostate cancer: Efficacy, safety, and clinical benefit assessment. Urology [Internet]. 2005;65(1):126 - 130. WebsiteAbstract
Docetaxel is an effective agent for the treatment of androgen-independent prostate cancer (AIPC). Its combination with estramustine phosphate (EMP) has shown promising results in AIPC but the toxicity remains considerable. In an effort to minimize toxicity, we designed an every-2-week docetaxel administration regimen with a 3-day low-dose EMP regimen. Patients with bone metastases also received zoledronic acid. A total of 54 patients with AIPC received docetaxel at 45 mg/m2 and EMP (140 mg orally every 8 hours for nine doses) every 2 weeks. Zoledronic acid was administered at 4 mg every 28 days. Of the 49 assessable patients, 22 (45%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 31% to 60%) had a prostate-specific antigen response. Of 24 patients with measurable disease, 9 (38%, 95% CI 19% to 59%) had a response to therapy (one complete response and eight partial responses). The median time to progression was 4.4 months (95% CI 2.7 to 6), and overall survival was 13.3 months (95% CI 9 to 17.6). Toxicity was mild, with only 5 cases of grade 3 or 4 toxicity. The pain score improved by 1 point in 21 (54%) of 39 symptomatic patients, and 14 (40%) of 38 patients who used analgesics discontinued analgesic consumption by the end of treatment. The combination of an every-2-week regimen of docetaxel, EMP, and zoledronic acid is an effective, well-tolerated regimen that results in symptomatic improvement in a significant proportion of patients with AIPC. © 2005 Elsevier Inc.
Economopoulos T, Papageorgiou S, Dimopoulos MA, Pavlidis N, Tsatalas C, Symeonidis A, Foudoulakis A, Pectasides D, Rontogianni D, Rizos E, et al. Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas in Greece according to the WHO classification of lymphoid neoplasms a retrospective analysis of 810 cases. Acta Haematologica [Internet]. 2005;113(2):97 - 103. WebsiteAbstract
The purpose of this retrospective study, the largest unselected series in our country, was to illustrate the clinicopathological features of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) classified according to the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of lymphoid neoplasms. A retrospective analysis was conducted and clinical features of histological subtypes were established in 810 patients (age ≥ 15 years) with NHL who were treated at 8 major centers representative of Greece. There were 435 males and 375 females 95% of them aged >30 years. B symptoms were present in 34% of the patients, while 45.3% had stages I-II and 54.6% had stages III-IV. LDH was increased in 37% of the patients. B cell lymphomas formed 88% of the cases whereas T cell lymphomas formed 12% of the total. Indolent lymphomas accounted for 31.1%, aggressive ones for 66.7% and very aggressive ones for 2.4% of all NHLs. Among indolent lymphomas extranodal ones (MALT B cell lymphoma) were the most common subset while follicular lymphoma grade I and II and small lymphocytic ones presented with equal frequency. Among the aggressive lymphomas diffuse large cell lymphoma (DLCL) was the most common subtype; this entity along with large-cell immunoblastic lymphomas accounted for 45.2% of all B cell lymphomas. Among the T cell lymphomas, peripheral T cell lymphomas and anaplastic large cell lymphomas of the T/null-cell type were the most common subtypes. The most common extranodal presentation was the gastrointestinal tract (GI). Next in frequency were primary extranodal NHL of the head and neck region. MALT B cell lymphomas were found in almost half of the patients with GI tract NHL, whereas in all other extranodal places DLCL was the predominant histological subtype. The median survival for indolent and aggressive NHL was 123.5 and 55.5 months, respectively. This is the first report of a large series of malignant lymphomas in Greece using the WHO classification. It appears that there are no significant differences between NHL in Greece and other large series as far as clinical and extranodal presentation is concerned. The frequency of follicular lymphoma in the current study is comparable to that reported from Asian countries and mainland Europe, but lower than that of US and Northern European series. There were no important differences in the incidence of the remaining histological subtypes between Greece and other European countries. Copyright © 2005 S. Karger AG.
Dimopoulos MA, Anagnostopoulos A, Zervas C, Kyrtsonis MC, Zomas A, Bourantas C, Anagnostopoulos N, Pangalis G. Predictive factors for response to rituximab in Waldenström's macroglobulinemia. Clinical Lymphoma [Internet]. 2005;5(4):270 - 272. WebsiteAbstract
Rituximab is an active agent for the treatment of Waldenström's macroglobulinemia. However, many patients do not respond to this agent and several others develop secondary resistance. In order to identify clinical and laboratory parameters that could predict a higher likelihood for response, we evaluated 54 patients who were treated with single-agent rituximab. Twenty-four patients (44%)exhibited ≥ 50% reduction of serum monoclonal protein. Previously untreated and pretreated patients had the same probability for response. Low response rates were noted in patients with serum monoclonal protein level ≥ 40 g/L (17%) and serum albumin level < 35 g/L (14%). Furthermore, a multivariate analysis indicated that high serum monoclonal protein and low albumin were the dominant variables associated with shorter time to progression. The presence of 2, 1, or none of these variables was associated with median times to progression of 4 months, 11 months, and approximately 48 months, respectively. We conclude that patients with low levels of monoclonal protein and normal albumin are the best candidates for treatment with rituximab.
Skarlos DV, Kalofonos HP, Fountzilas G, Dimopoulos MA, Pavlidis N, Razis E, Economopoulos T, Pectasides D, Gogas H, Kosmidis P, et al. Gemcitabine plus pegylated liposomal doxorubicin in patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer resistant/refractory to platinum and/or taxanes. A HeCOG phase II study. Anticancer Research [Internet]. 2005;25(4):3103 - 3108. WebsiteAbstract
Background: A phase II study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of the combination of gemcitabine (GEM) and pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD) in patients with platinum- and/or taxane-resistant/refractory advanced epithelial ovarian cancer (AEOC). Patients and Methods: Patients (pts), who had been treated with platinum or paclitaxel and met the criteria of resistant/refractory AEOC, received GEM 650 mg/m2 days 1 and 8 and PLD 25 mg/m2 day 1 every 4 weeks up to a total of 6 cycles, unless disease progression or adverse effects prohibited further therapy. Results: Thirty-seven patients entered the study. There was 1 complete (3%) and 7 partial responses (19%) for an overall response rate of 22%. Two patients had stable disease (5.5%). After a median follow-up of 16.2 months, the median survival was 8.4 months and time to treatment failure 2.7 months. The most frequent severe toxicity was myelosuppression recorded in 13 (35%) patients. Severe stomatitis was recorded in only 2 (5%) cases and severe palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia in 1 patient. One severe allergic reaction (grade 4) to PLD was recorded following the third cycle of treatment. Conclusion: The combination of GEM and PLD in patients with AEOC, who are resistant/refractory to platinum and/or Taxanes, did not show any superiority over monotherapy. However, in view of the acceptable toxicity profile, the above combination may deserve further investigation in a randomised setting.
Aravantinos G, Fountzilas G, Kosmidis P, Dimopoulos MA, Stathopoulos GP, Pavlidis N, Bafaloukos D, Papadimitriou C, Karpathios S, Georgoulias V, et al. Paclitaxel plus carboplatin versus paclitaxel plus alternating carboplatin and cisplatin for initial treatment of advanced ovarian cancer: Long-term efficacy results: A Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group (HeCOG) study. Annals of Oncology [Internet]. 2005;16(7):1116 - 1122. WebsiteAbstract
Background: We compared the combination plus Carboplatin plus paclitaxel, which is considered the treatment of choice for initial chemotherapy of advanced ovarian cancer (AOC) with a regimen combining alternating carboplatin and cisplatin plus paclitaxel. The two platinum derivatives have been previously combined as they are not totally cross-resistant and as they share no overlapping toxicities. Patients and methods: Patients with AOC, after the initial cytoreductive surgery were randomized to either 6 courses of paclitaxel at 175 mg/m2 as 3h infusion plus Carboplatin at 7 AUC (Arm A) or Paclitaxel at the same dose plus Carboplatin again at 7 AUC for cycles 1,3,5, while for cycles 2,4,6 Cisplatin at 75 mg/m2 substituted for Carboplatin (Arm B). Results: 247 patients are analyzed. Significant differences were not found, both in terms of PFS (38 vs 39 months, p=0.95) and overall survival (40.6 vs 38.6 months, p=0.79). There was not also difference in 5-year survival rate (35% vs 39%) or 5-year PFS rate (23% vs 28%). Age >60, PS 2, stage IV disease and presence of residual disease were adversely related to the overall survival. Conclusion: Both regimens are well tolerated and effective. Alternating cisplatin with carboplatin does not improve the results compared with the standard combination. © 2005 European Society fr Medical Oncology.
Chamilos G, Bamias A, Efstathiou E, Zorzou PM, Kastritis E, Kostis E, Papadimitriou C, Dimopoulos MA. Outpatient treatment of low-risk neutropenic fever in cancer patients using oral moxifloxacin. Cancer [Internet]. 2005;103(12):2629 - 2635. WebsiteAbstract
BACKGROUND. Oral-based antibiotic therapy is the standard of care in the management of cancer patients with low-risk neutropenic fever. Nevertheless, to the authors' knowledge, the best antibiotic regimen and the feasibility of ambulatory treatment have not been clearly defined. METHODS. The authors evaluated the efficacy and safety of moxifloxacin as outpatient treatment in cancer patients with febrile neutropenia who were selected according to the recently proposed Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) risk assessment model. Moxifloxacin was given at a dose of 400 mg orally once daily. RESULTS. Fifty-four patients with solid and hematologic malignancies, the majority of whom (84%) had advanced disease, were included in the current study. The median neutrophil count at the time of study entry was 340/mm3 (range, 20-950/mm3) and the median duration of neutropenia was 4 days (range, 3-14 days). Of 55 neutropenic episodes, 50 (91%) had a successful outcome with a median time to defervescence of 2 days (range, 1-5 days). A multivariate analysis indicated that severe neutropenia (an absolute neutrophil count of < 100 mm3) was the only independent factor associated with treatment failure (P < 0.04). Moxifloxacin was found to be well tolerated and there were no infectious deaths reported. CONCLUSIONS. The results of the current study demonstrated that moxifloxacin was a highly effective and safe regimen in the outpatient treatment of cancer patients with febrile neutropenia. © 2005 American Cancer Society.
Terpos E, Rahemtulla A, Dimopoulos M-A. Current treatment options for myeloma. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy [Internet]. 2005;6(7):1127 - 1142. WebsiteAbstract
In most cases multiple myeloma is an incurable plasma cell malignancy. Despite the use of conventional therapy or high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT), patients continue to relapse at a constant rate. A small minority of patients are cured by allogeneic transplantation. Novel drugs targeting not only the myeloma cell but also its interactions with the malignant microenvironment have recently been used in patients with relapsed/refractory disease. So far, ASCT has been the treatment of choice for eligible myeloma patients. However, many questions regarding the management of myeloma patients remain unanswered. How safe is ASCT in elderly patients? Is there a role for non-myeloablative allogeneic transplantation in multiple myeloma? What is the role of novel agents, such as thalidomide, its analogues and bortezomib, in the treatment of newly diagnosed patients or as maintenance post-ASCT? This review summarises all available data for the current treatment options for myeloma providing a useful algorithm for its management. © 2005 Ashley Publications Ltd.
Sfikakis PP, Gourgoulis GM, Moulopoulos LA, Kouvatseas G, Theofilopoulos AN, Dimopoulos MA. Age-related thymic activity in adults following chemotherapy-induced lymphopenia. European Journal of Clinical Investigation [Internet]. 2005;35(6):380 - 387. WebsiteAbstract
Background: The potential role of the adult thymus in T-cell homeostasis subsequent to lymphopenia remains the subject of debate. We examined whether thymic activity contributes to reconstitution of the peripheral T-cell pool, a critical process for patients recovering from antineoplastic therapy. Methods: In selected patients with various neoplastic diseases we assessed peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets by flow-cytometry, including thymus-derived, CD4+ T cells expressing the CD45RA molecule, and thymic size rebound by CT scan before, and 3, 6 and 12 months after completion of cytotoxic therapy. Results: Adult patients (n = 21, mean age of 30 years, range 18-49) had higher baseline numbers of B and lower numbers of NK cells than elderly patients (n = 15, mean age of 79 years, range 70-91), while total T-cell numbers did not differ. Despite the reduction of lymphocyte counts being comparable in the adult (mean of 45%) and elderly (mean of 49%) groups, occurring at, or near, completion of treatment, an enlargement of the previously atrophic thymus was evident in 63% of the adult, but in none of the elderly, subjects. In 22 patients who remained active disease-free during the following year, B cells and NK cells recovered to pretreatment levels as soon as at 3 months, whereas overall T-cell recovery occurred at 6 months post-treatment. Thymic rebound, observed in 11 of 22 patients who were of younger age, correlated significantly with a faster and more complete recovery of CD45RA+ CD4+ (mainly helper-naïve) T cells. Conclusion: The adult thymus appears capable of regeneration, at least up to middle age, contributing significantly to the reconstitution of the peripheral T-cell pool following chemotherapy-induced lymphopenia. In advanced age, however, although peripheral homeostatic pathways appear intact, regeneration of the naïve repertoire is incomplete. © 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Skolarikos A, Alivizatos G, Bamias A, Mitropoulos D, Ferakis N, Deliveliotis C, Dimopoulos M-A. Bcl-2 protein and DNA ploidy in renal cell carcinoma: Do they affect patient prognosis?. International Journal of Urology [Internet]. 2005;12(6):563 - 569. WebsiteAbstract
Aim: The aim of the present study was to correlate bcl-2 protein expression and DNA-ploidy status with established prognostic parameters in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and to examine their impact on disease progression and patient survival. Methods: Both parameters were prospectively measured in 50 consecutive radical nephrectomy specimens using flow cytometry. They were correlated with the tumor grade, stage and histological type. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis for all parameters was performed. Results: Bcl-2 protein expression was higher in RCC compared to normal renal tissue (P < 0.0001). Aneuploid tumors had higher bcl-2 expression compared to diploid tumors (P = 0.015). Bcl-2 expression and DNA content were not correlated with tumor histological types (P = 0.277/ P = 0.419), grades (P = 0.690/P = 0.449), T categories (P = 0.637/P = 0.585) or stages (P = 0.726/ P = 0.800). Median follow-up time was 46 months (range, 5-84) with a mean overall survival of 61.8 months (95% confidence interval, 53.7-69.9). Tumor stage was the only statistically important prognostic factor (P = 0.0045). Conclusion: Although Bcl-2 expression was correlated with tumor DNA content, the prognostic value of these two parameters following radical nephrectomy was not established.
Kalofonos HP, Aravantinos G, Kosmidis P, Papakostas P, Economopoulos T, Dimopoulos M, Skarlos D, Bamias A, Pectasides D, Chalkidou S, et al. Irinotecan or oxaliplatin combined with leucovorin and 5-fluorouracil as first-line treatment in advanced colorectal cancer: A multicenter, randomized, phase II study. Annals of Oncology [Internet]. 2005;16(6):869 - 877. WebsiteAbstract
Background: Irinotecan (IRI) and oxaliplatin (OXA) are effective in the treatment of colorectal cancer. Previously untreated patients with advanced colorectal carcinoma (CRC) were randomly assigned to receive IRI plus leucovorin (LV)/5-fluorouracil (5-FU), or OXA plus LV/5-FU in order to compare the response rates, time-to-tumor progression, overall survival rates, and toxicity profiles of these two agents. Materials and methods: From January 1999 to February 2002, 295 patients were randomized to receive either IRI/LV/5-FU or OXA/LV/5-FU. The treatment schedules consisted of weekly IRI 70 mg/m2 or OXA 45 mg/m2 plus LV 200 mg/m2 followed immediately by intravenous bolus 5-FU 450 mg/m2 for 6 weeks, followed by a 2-week rest period. Treatment was continued for up to four cycles or until disease progression, unacceptable toxicity or patient refusal. Results: There were no significant differences between the study arms in the overall response rate (33% with IRI/LV/5-FU versus 32% with OXA/LV/5-FU based on responses demonstrated on a single evaluation; 23% with IRI/LV/5-FU versus 22.3% with OXA/LV/5-FU based on responses confirmed according to WHO criteria) median time to progression (8.9 versus 7.6 months), and median overall survival (17.6 versus 17.4 months). Toxicity profiles (grades 3 and 4) were similar in the IRI and OXA arms (diarrhea 12.3% and 9.8%, neutropenia 8.2% and 4.9%, and febrile neutropenia 1.4% and 1.4%, respectively), with the exception of grade 3 sensory neuropathy, which almost exclusively occurred in the OXA arm (0% versus 5.6%; P = 0.003, Fisher's exact test). Conclusion: The IRI/LV/5-FU and OXA/LV/5-FU regimens demonstrated equally substantial efficacies and manageable toxicity profiles in the first-line treatment of patients with advanced CRC. However, IRI/LV/5-FU may be the preferable regimen to avoid significant neurotoxicity associated with OXA-LV/5-FU. © 2005 European Society for Medical Oncology.
Pectasides D, Fountzilas G, Aravantinos G, Kalofonos HP, Efstathiou E, Salamalekis E, Farmakis D, Skarlos D, Briasoulis E, Economopoulos T, et al. Advanced stage mucinous epithelial ovarian cancer: The Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group experience. Gynecologic Oncology [Internet]. 2005;97(2):436 - 441. WebsiteAbstract
Objective. Mucinous epithelial ovarian cancer (mEOC) representing about 10% of all EOC are known to be possibly resistant to platinum-based chemotherapy and bear a poorer prognosis with respect to other subtypes of EOC. This study was undertaken to compare response and survival to platinum-based chemotherapy between patients with advanced stages III and IV mEOC and serous EOC (sEOC). Methods. A retrospective analysis was performed in 47 patients with advanced stage of mEOC treated with first-line platinum-based chemotherapy in the context of several study protocols of the Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group (HeCOG) between 6/7/1983 and 25/2/2003. The outcome was compared to that of 94 patients with sEOC treated with the same protocols during the same study period (ratio mucinous: serous 1:2). Results. One hundred forty-one patients (47 stages III and IV mEOC, 94 stages III and IV sEOC) treated with platinum-based chemotherapy were analyzed. The overall response rate for mEOC was 38.5% (complete remission 18%) (95% CI 23.4-55.4%) and 70% (complete remission 47%) (95% CI 58.5-80.3%) for sEOC (P = 0.001). After a median follow-up of 77.8 months, median survival and time to tumor progression (TTP) were not significantly different between the two groups (33.2 months [95% CI 23.3-43.1 months] vs. 38.0 months [95% CI 26.8-49.2 months], P = 0.46, 11.8 months [95% CI 7.2-16.4 months] vs. 20.0 months [95% CI 15.7-24.2 months], P = 0.18, respectively). Conclusion. Patients with mEOC have significantly lower response to first-line platinum-based chemotherapy compared to patients with sEOC. This low response to platinum-based chemotherapy was not translated in inferior TTP or survival. Our data indicate that a new strategy for chemotherapy in mEOC should be adopted, one that focuses on new agents without cross-resistance to platinum agents. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Briasoulis E, Samantas E, Kalofonos H, Skarlos D, Makatsoris T, Christodoulou C, Fountzilas G, Bamias A, Dimopoulos MA, Kosmidis P, et al. Phase I study of etoposide, cisplatin and irinotecan triplet in patients with advanced-stage small-cell lung cancer. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology [Internet]. 2005;56(5):521 - 528. WebsiteAbstract
The irinotecan-cisplatin combination has emerged as a new standard for the treatment of advanced-stage small-cell lung cancer (AS-SCLC). To move forward we developed a 3-day regimen of cisplatin, etoposide and irinotecan. Successive cohorts of AS-SCLC patients were treated with irinotecan administered as a single 1-h infusion in combination with fixed doses of cisplatin (20 mg/m 2) and etoposide (75 mg/m2), both given for three consecutive days (ECI regimen). Irinotecan dose was escalated from 60 mg/m 2 by 40-mg/m2 increments. At mid-step between the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and the previous dose level, patients were randomized for the day of administration of irinotecan (day 1 vs day 3). A total of 36 AS-SCLC patients received 166 courses of treatment at four dose levels. The MTD of irinotecan was 140 mg/m2 (three dose-limiting toxicities, DLTs), and the recommended optimal dose (ROD) 120 mg/m2 (two DLTs). DLTs were febrile neutropenia and grade 3 diarrhea. Other toxicities were mild. No difference in toxicity was seen between the two time schedules. A 77% (95% CI 63.25-90.75%) response rate was recorded among 31 evaluable patients and the median survival was 12 months. The ECI regimen was well tolerated and showed considerable activity in patients with AS-SCLC. Phase II/III evaluation is ongoing. © Springer-Verlag 2005.
Anagnostopoulos A, Gika D, Symeonidis A, Zervas K, Pouli A, Repoussis P, Grigoraki V, Anagnostopoulos N, Economopoulos T, Maniatis A, et al. Multiple myeloma in elderly patients: Prognostic factors and outcome. European Journal of Haematology [Internet]. 2005;75(5):370 - 375. WebsiteAbstract
Objectives: Purpose of this study was to compare prognostic factors and outcome of patients with multiple myeloma (MM) aged > 70 yr at diagnosis with those of younger patients. We also applied the recently proposed International Staging System (ISS) for MM in these patients. Patients and methods: Among 1,162 newly diagnosed, symptomatic MM patients included in our database, 357 (31%) were > 70 yr of age. Clinical and laboratory variables were evaluated in patients > 70 yr and in younger patients and were assessed for possible correlation with survival in patients > 70 yr of age. Results: Most clinical and laboratory features were similar in the two groups of patients but older patients presented more frequently with advanced ISS (P = 0.02). Despite similar response rates to primary treatment, younger patients survived longer than patients > 70 yr of age (40 vs. 28 months, P = 0.001). There was a longer survival of younger patients than that of older patients diagnosed with ISS stage 1 (median 71 vs. 54 months, P = 0.007) and ISS stage-2 patients (median: 38 vs. 26 months, P = 0.0008) but for patients with ISS stage 3 median survival was similarly poor in the younger and older age group (21 and 20 months, P = 0.283). Other variables associated with impaired prognosis were severe anemia, extensive bone marrow plasmacytosis and elevated serum LDH. Conclusions: Older patients with MM present more often with advanced ISS and have significantly shorter survival than younger patients. The ISS retained its prognostic significance within the group of elderly patients. © Blackwell Munksgaard 2005.
Fountzilas G, Skarlos D, Dafni U, Gogas H, Briasoulis E, Pectasides D, Papadimitriou C, Markopoulos C, Polychronis A, Kalofonos HP, et al. Postoperative dose-dense sequential chemotherapy with epirubicin, followed by CMF with or without paclitaxel, in patients with high-risk operable breast cancer: A randomized phase III study conducted by the Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group. Annals of Oncology [Internet]. 2005;16(11):1762 - 1771. WebsiteAbstract
Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore the effect of dose-dense sequential chemotherapy with or without paclitaxel primarily on disease-free survival (DFS) and secondarily on overall survival (OS) in patients with high-risk operable breast cancer. Patients and methods: From June 1997 until November 2000, 604 patients with T1-3N1M0 or T3 N0M0 tumors were randomized to three cycles of epirubicin 110 mg/m2 followed by three cycles of paclitaxel 250 mg/m2 followed by three cycles of 'intensified' CMF (cyclophosphamide 840 mg/m2, methotrexate 47 mg/m2 and fluorouracil 840 mg/m2) (group A), or to four cycles of epirubicin followed by four cycles of CMF, as in group A (group B). All cycles were given every 2 weeks with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor support. Results: A total of 595 patients were eligible. Median follow-up was 61.7 months for group A and 62 months for group B. The 3-year DFS was 80% in group A and 77% in group B. Survival rates were 93% and 90%, respectively. The effect of treatment on the hazard of death was different according to hormonal receptor status. More specifically, in patients with negative receptor status the hazard of death was significantly higher for group B (hazard ratio 2.42). Both regimens were well tolerated and severe acute side-effects were infrequent. No cases of severe cardiotoxicity or acute leukemia were recorded. Conclusions: The present study failed to demonstrate a significant difference in DFS or OS between the two treatment groups. However, our study has shown clearly that high-dose paclitaxel can be safely incorporated to dose-dense sequential chemotherapy. © 2005 European Society for Medical Oncology.
Economopoulos T, Papageorgiou S, Rontogianni D, Kaloutsi V, Fountzilas G, Tsatalas C, Pavlidis N, Pectasides D, Papageorgiou E, Dimopoulos M. Multifocal extranodal non-Hodgkin lymphoma: A clinicopathologic study of 37 cases in Greece, a Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group Study. Oncologist [Internet]. 2005;10(9):734 - 738. WebsiteAbstract
The purpose of this retrospective study was to illustrate the clinicopathological features of patients presenting with multifocal extranodal non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). Among 810 patients with NHL, 37 cases (4.2%) were found to have multiple extranodal involvement (two or more sites). There were 24 men and 13 women, with a median age of 63 years. The majority of these cases (n = 26) had gastric or intestinal (GI) involvement with or without other extranodal sites. Lung along with another extranodal site was relatively common in the present series. Stratification of the 37 cases according to the International Prognostic Index (IPI) showed that 89% of the patients belonged to the high-risk groups. Diffuse large-B -cell lymphoma (DLBCL) accounted for 62%, and mucosa-associated lymphoma tissue (MALT) lymphoma accounted for 27% of all cases. After induction treatment with anthracycline-based regimens, complete remission was achieved in 21 patients (57%), partial remission was achieved in six patients (16%), and seven patients (19%) had no response, while three patients (8%) were nonevaluable. In conclusion, multifocal extranodal NHL is a heterogeneous group of diseases. The majority of them arise at various sites in the GI tract. DLBCL was the most frequent histological subtype followed by MALT lymphoma. Risk group, as defined by the IPI, was predictive of survival. ©AlphaMed Press.
Dimopoulos MA, Anagnostopoulos A, Terpos E. Novel treatments of multiple myeloma. Hematology [Internet]. 2005;10(SUPPL. 1):25. Website
Pectasides D, Aravantinos G, Fountzilas G, Kalofonos C, Efstathiou E, Karina M, Pavlidis N, Farmakis D, Economopoulos T, Dimopoulos MA. Brain metastases from epithelial ovarian cancer. The Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group (HeCOG) experience and review of the literature. Anticancer Research [Internet]. 2005;25(5):3553 - 3558. WebsiteAbstract
Background: Brain metastases from epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) are rare. A retrospective study of all patients diagnosed with brain metastases from EOC over the last 20 years, according to the Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group (HeCOG) tumor registry, was conducted. Patients and Methods: A total of 1450 patients with EOC were treated within various HeCOG protocols from 1983 to 2004. Seventeen (1.17%) of them developed brain metastases. Results: The median age at diagnosis of brain metastases was 58 years (range, 24 to 77). At initial diagnosis, 2 patients had stage II, 12 had stage III and 3 had stage IV disease. Serous papillary adenocarcinoma was the most common histological subtype [12 patients (71%)]. All patients had received initial cisplatin-based chemotherapy. The median time from initial diagnosis to central nervous system (CNS) relapse was 15.9 months (range, 1.4 to 70.8). The CNS was the only site of disease in 13 (76.5%) patients, whereas 4 (23.5%) patients had additional extracranial disease. Two (12%) patients with isolated single brain lesions underwent surgical excision of the metastases, followed by whole brain radiation therapy (WBRT) and chemotherapy. Four (24%) patients were treated with WBRT alone, 6 (35%) patients with WBRT plus chemotherapy and 2 (12%) had only supportive care, while 3 (18%) patients decided not to have any further treatment after the diagnosis of brain metastases. The median survival time from diagnosis of CNS relapse was 5.7 months (range, 0.2 to 22.6) and the median survival time from diagnosis of EOC was 27.4 months (range, 3.0 to 71.4). In patients with CNS recurrence as the only site of disease, the median survival time from diagnosis of CNS relapse was 5.3 months (range, 0.6 to 22.6) and in those with both CNS and extracranial disease, the median survival time was 3.9 months (range, 0.2 to 11.9) (p=0.5597). There was a statistically significant difference in survival for those treated with WBRT plus chemotherapy (10.0 months) versus those treated with WBRT alone (1.5 months) and those who had only supportive care (0.2 months) (p=0.0003). Conclusion: The incidence of cerebral metastases in our patients with EOC was 1.17%, which is consistent with the mean value of all series reported in the literature. The prognosis of patients with brain metastases from EOC is poor. Patients who had WBRT and chemotherapy fared better than those who received WBRT alone.
Bamias A, Efstathiou E, Vassilakopoulou M, Koutsoukou V, Papadimitriou C, Rodolakis A, Mitsibounas D, Vlahos G, Dimopoulos MA. Late relapse of epithelial ovarian cancer: A single institution experience. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology [Internet]. 2005;26(4):439 - 442. WebsiteAbstract
Purpose of investigation: Late relapses are infrequent in ovarian cancer. We present the characteristics and outcome of patients who relapsed at least five years after first-line chemotherapy. Methods: Six cases were retrieved from 203 patients treated from 1994 to 1998. Results: Time to recurrence ranged from five to nine years. The initial stage was I or II in all cases, while histology was: endometrioid (4 cases), clear cell (1 case) and unspecified adenocarcinoma (1 case). Only two of five assessable patients responded to chemotherapy. Compared to earlier relapses, late relapses were characterized by earlier stages (p < 0.001), non serous histology (p = 0.010) and absence of symptoms (0% vs 46.5%, p = 0.025) at baseline. Five of 16 relapses (31%) among patients with Stage I or II were late relapses. Conclusion: Late relapses of ovarian cancer occur in early stages, where they are relatively frequent, while the chemosensitivity of the disease may be less than expected.
Terpos E, Dimopoulos M-A. Myeloma bone disease: Pathophysiology and management. Annals of Oncology [Internet]. 2005;16(8):1223 - 1231. WebsiteAbstract
Bone disease is a major feature of multiple myeloma. Myeloma-induced bone destruction is the result of an increased activity of osteoclasts, which is not accompanied by a comparable increase of osteoblast function. Recent studies have revealed that new molecules such as the receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B (RANK), its ligand (RANKL), osteoprotegerin (OPG), and macrophage inflammatory protein-1α are implicated in osteoclast activation and differentiation, while proteins such as dickkopf-1 inhibit osteoblastic bone formation. These new molecules seem to interfere not only with the biology of myeloma bone destruction but also with tumour growth and survival, creating novel targets for the development of new antimyeloma treatment. Currently, bisphosphonates play a major role in the management of myeloma bone disease. Clodronate, pamidronate and zoledronic acid are the most effective bisphosphonates in symptomatic myeloma patients. Biochemical markers of bone remodeling have been used in an attempt to identify patients more likely to benefit from early treatment with bisphosphonates. Furthermore, using microarray techniques, myeloma patients may be subdivided into molecular subgroups with certain clinical characteristics, such as propensity for lytic lesions that may need early prophylactic treatment. Recent phase I studies with recombinant OPG and monoclonal antibodies to RANKL appear promising. © 2005 European Society for Medical Oncology.
Papageorgiou ES, Tsirigotis P, Dimopoulos M, Pavlidis N, Fountzilas G, Papageorgiou S, Economopoulos T. Combination chemotherapy with gemcitabine and vinorelbine in the treatment of relapsed or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: A phase-II trial by the Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group. European Journal of Haematology [Internet]. 2005;75(2):124 - 129. WebsiteAbstract
To investigate the efficacy and toxicity of the combination of gemcitabine and vinorelbine in patients with relapsed or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBL), 22 patients with relapsed or refractory DLBL were treated with gemcitabine 1000 mg/m2 and vinorelbine 30 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8 every 3 wk for a maximum of six cycles. Fourteen patients were considered chemosensitive while eight patients were considered chemoresistant to the last treatment regimen. All 22 patients were assessed for response to treatment. Three patients (14%) achieved complete remission and eight patients (36%) had partial remission of their disease, with an overall response rate of 50%. With a median follow up of 44 months, the median time to progression (TTP) for all patients was 8.1 months while the median overall survival (OS) was 12.9 months. Toxicity was minimal and all patients were treated on an outpatient basis. The combination of gemcitabine and vinorelbine is an effective and well-tolerated regimen for patients with relapsed of refractory DLBL. © Blackwell Munksgaard 2005.
Samelis GF, Kalofonos H, Adamou A, Kosmides P, Skarlos D, Aravantinos G, Kiamouris C, Adimchi O, Fountzilas G, Dimopoulos AM. The combination of estramustine, vinorelbine, and mitoxantrone in hormone-refractory prostate cancer: A Phase II feasibility study conducted by the Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group. Urology [Internet]. 2005;66(2):382 - 385. WebsiteAbstract
Objectives. To evaluate the safety profile and therapeutic value of the combination of estramustine, mitoxantrone, and vinorelbine in the treatment of hormone-refractory prostate cancer. Methods. Fifty-two patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer were included in the study. Median age was 70 years (range, 49 to 100 years), World Health Organization performance status ranged from 0 to 2. The treatment schedule consisted of estramustine capsules (140 mg 3 times daily on days 1 to 3 and days 8 to 10 per os), intravenous mitoxantrone (12 mg/m2 on day 2), and intravenous vinorelbine (25 mg/m2 on day 2 and day 9), given in a 3-week cycle. Results. Thirty-one percent of patients with measurable soft-tissue disease demonstrated an objective response, which included six complete and ten partial responses in all involved organs (bone responses not included). Twenty-nine patients (56%) had a greater than 50% reduction in serum prostate-specific antigen level. The median duration of response was 6.9 months, and the median survival for all patients was 14.5 months. Conclusions. The combination of estramustine, vinorelbine, and mitoxantrone is safe, well tolerated, and relatively active in patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer. © 2005 Elsevier Inc.
Dimopoulos MA, Kyle RA, Anagnostopoulos A, Treon SP. Diagnosis and management of Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia. Journal of Clinical Oncology [Internet]. 2005;23(7):1564 - 1577. WebsiteAbstract
Purpose: To review the diagnostic criteria, prognostic factors, response criteria, and treatment options of patients with Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia (WM). Methods: A review of published reports was facilitated by the use of a MEDLINE computer search and by manual search of the Index Medicus. Results: WM should be regarded as a distinct clinicopathologic entity and confined to those patients with lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma who have demonstrable serum immunoglobulin M monoclonal protein. Treatment decisions should rely on specific clinical and laboratory criteria. Initiation of therapy should not be based on serum monoclonal protein levels per se. The three main choices for systemic primary treatment of symptomatic patients with WM include alkylating agents (chlorambucil), nucleoside analogs (fludarabine and cladribine), and the monoclonal antibody rituximab. There are no data from prospective randomized studies to recommend the use of one first-line agent over another, although consideration of a patient's candidacy for autologous stem-cell transplantation (ASCT) should be taken into account to avoid stem cell-damaging agents. There are preliminary data to suggest that combinations of nucleoside analogs and alkylating agents with or without rituximab may improve response rates at the expense of higher toxicity. Conclusion: WM is a distinct low-grade lymphoproliferative disorder. When therapy is indicated, alkylating agents, nucleoside analogs, and rituximab are reasonable choices. Several factors, including the presence of cytopenias, need for rapid disease control, candidacy for ASCT, age, and comorbidities, should be taken into consideration when choosing the most appropriate primary treatment. © 2005 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.
Dimopoulos MA, Souliotis VL, Anagnostopoulos A, Papadimitriou C, Sfikakis PP. Extent of damage and repair in the p53 tumor-suppressor gene after treatment of myeloma patients with high-dose melphalan and autologous blood stem-cell transplantation is individualized and may predict clinical outcome. Journal of Clinical Oncology [Internet]. 2005;23(19):4381 - 4389. WebsiteAbstract
Purpose: To quantitate the individual levels of melphalan-induced DNA damage formation and repair in vivo and to search for possible correlations with clinical outcome in patients with multiple myeloma (MM). Patients and Methods: The formation and subsequent repair of DNA damage (monoadducts and interstrand cross-links) in the p53 tumor-suppressor gene, the proto-oncogene N-ras, and the house-keeping gene beta-actin during the first 24 hours after treatment with high-dose melphalan (HDM; 200 mg/m2) supported by autologous blood stem-cell transplantation (ABSCT) was measured in blood leukocytes of 26 patients with MM. The peak DNA adduct levels, the total amount of adducts over time, and the rate of adducts repair in each gene were correlated with response and time to progression after HDM. Results: The levels of gene-specific DNA damage formation and the individual repairing capacity varied up to 16-fold among patients, indicating that the melphalan-induced biologic effect in vivo is highly individualized. A significantly greater DNA damage and a slower rate of repair in p53 for all end points under study were found in patients who achieved tumor reduction compared with nonresponding patients. Furthermore, longer progression-free survival correlated with increased peak monoadduct levels in the p53 gene (P = .032). Conclusion: Increased DNA damage and slower repairing capacity in the p53gene from blood leukocytes after HDM correlate with improved outcome of patients with MM who undergo ABSCT. These results suggest that quantitation of such biologic end points may identify patients who are more likely to benefit from this procedure. © 2005 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.
Koutsikos J, Athanasoulis T, Anagnostopoulos A, Velidaki A, Passadi M, Dimopoulos MA, Zerva C. Combined use of 99mTc-sestamibi and 99mTc-V-DMSA in the assessment of chemotherapy effectiveness in patients with multiple myeloma. Journal of Nuclear Medicine [Internet]. 2005;46(6):978 - 982. WebsiteAbstract
This study determined the role of the combined use of 99mTc- sestamibi and 99mTc-pentavalent dimercaptosuccinic acid (V-DMSA) scintigraphy in evaluating the effectiveness of chemotherapy in patients with multiple myeloma. Methods: In 20 patients with multiple myeloma who had received or were receiving chemotherapy, 99mTc-sestamibi and 99mTc-V-DMSA scanning was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of chemotherapy. Results: In group A (11 patients with active disease), 42 99mTc-sestamibi-positive lesions were found. Thirty-seven of those lesions were also positive for 99mTc-V-DMSA uptake, as were 16 additional lesions (nonactive) (NAL). Thus, in group A, the total number of positive lesions (TPL) detected was 58 and the NAL/TPL ratio was 16:58. In group B (9 patients in remission), 5 99mTc-sestamibi-positive lesions were found. A further 22 lesions were also positive for 99mTc-V-DMSA uptake. Thus, in group B, the NAL/TPL ratio was 22:27. Therefore, the NAL/TPL ratios considered to represent effectively treated lesions were 27.6% and 81.5% for groups A and B, respectively. Conclusion: Combined use of the 2 agents allows the effectiveness of chemotherapy to be evaluated through a comparison of NAL and TPL multiple myeloma lesions even in the absence of a baseline study.
Dimopoulos MA, Anagnostopoulos A, Kyrtsonis MC, Castritis E, Bitsaktsis A, Pangalis GA. Treatment of relapsed or refractory Waldenström's macroglobulinemia with bortezomib. Haematologica [Internet]. 2005;90(12):1655 - 1658. WebsiteAbstract
Background and Objectives. Bortezomib is a selective proteasome inhibitor which has shown significant activity in a variety of hematologic malignancies including multiple myeloma, mantle cell lymphoma and marginal zone lymphoma. Thus, this agent is worth studying in patients with Waldenström's macroglobulinemia (WM). Design and Methods. Patients with refractory or relapsed WM were treated with bortezomib administered intravenously at a dose of 1.3 mg/m2 on days 1, 4, 8 and 11 in a 21-day cycle for a total of four cycles. Results. Ten previously treated patients with WM were treated with bortezomib. Most patients had been exposed to all active agents for WM and eight patients had received three or more regimens. Six of these patients achieved a partial response which occurred at a median of 1 month. The median time to progression in the responding patients is expected to exceed 11 months. Bortezomib was relatively well tolerated. The more common toxicities were mild or moderate thrombocytopenia, fever and fatigue while peripheral neuropathy occurred in three patients and one patient developed severe paralytic ileus. Interpretation and Conclusions. Our preliminary data indicate that bortezomib is an active agent in patients with heavily pretreated relapsed/refractory WM. Four cycles of this agent may be adequate to assess sensitivity in this disease. Further studies are needed to confirm our results and to evaluate combinations of bortezomib with other active agents. ©2005 Ferrata Storti Foundation.
Bozas GT, Bamias A, Kastritis E, Rodolakis A, Vlahos G, Papadimitriou CA, Markaki S, Dimopoulos MA. Adjuvant chemotherapy with paclitaxel and carboplatin in non-endometrioid carcinoma of the uterus. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology [Internet]. 2005;26(6):627 - 631. WebsiteAbstract
Purpose of investigation: Uterine papillary serous carcinoma (UPSC) and uterine clear cell carcinoma (UCCC) represent more aggressive tumors than the more common endometroid cancers, exhibiting a propensity for distant metastasis. The aim of this study was to investigate the activity and safety of paclitaxel/carboplatin chemotherapy as the only adjuvant treatment in patients with surgically resected UPSC and UCCC. Methods: Fifteen patients with Stage IB-IV UPSC or UCCC were treated with a mean of six courses of paclitaxel 175 mg/m3 plus carboplatin AUC 5 at three-week intervals, three to six weeks after undergoing surgery with curative intent. No patient had residual disease after surgery and none underwent pre- or post-chemotherapy irradiation. Results: With a median follow-up of 29.4 months, six patients (40%) relapsed and two (13%) died of disease. Mean time to recurrence was 16.9 months. Recurrence rate per Stage was 17% for Stage IB/C, 57% for Stage IIIA/C and 50% for Stage IV. Projected 5-year overall survival and progression-free survival was 79.7% and 55.7%, respectively. All relapses were abdominopelvic whereas in one case pelvic recurrence was accompanied by lung metastasis. The most frequent grade 3-4 toxicity was neutropenia. Conclusion: Chemotherapy with paclitaxel plus carboplatin is feasible and possibly prevents distant metastasis when used as adjuvant in UPSC and UCCC.
Psyrri A, Bamias A, Yu Z, Weinberger PM, Kassar M, Markakis S, Kowalski D, Efstathiou E, Camp RL, Rimm DL, et al. Subcellular localization and protein levels of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27 independently predict for survival in epithelial ovarian cancer. Clinical Cancer Research [Internet]. 2005;11(23):8384 - 8390. WebsiteAbstract
Purpose: p27 protein is regarded as a valuable prognostic biomarker in cancer with a potential use as a molecular target. However, different methods of immunohistochemical assessment have yielded conflicting results. Here, we sought to determine the prognostic value of p27 in ovarian cancer using a novel method of compartmentalized in situ protein analysis. Experimental Design: A tissue array composed of 150 advanced stage ovarian cancers uniformly treated, with surgical debulking followed by platinum-paclitaxel combination chemotherapy, was constructed. For evaluation of p27 protein expression, we used an immunofluorescence-based method of automated in situ quantitative measurement of protein analysis [automated quantitative analysis (AQUA)]. Results: The mean follow-up time of the patients was 34.3 months. Patients with low Fédération Internationale des Gynaecologistes et Obstetristes stage were more likely to have low nuclear p27 expression (P = 0.008). Low nuclear p27 expression was associated with improved 3-year overall survival (66% versus 20%, P = 0.0047) and disease-free survival (27% versus 12%, P = 0.022). In multivariable analysis, adjusting for well-characterized prognostic variables, low nuclear p27 expression level was the most significant prognostic factor for both disease-free and overall survival. Conclusions: Our results indicate that quantitative assessment of nuclear p27 expression level by automated in situ quantitative analysis is a strong predictor for outcome in ovarian cancer. © 2005 American Association for Cancer Research.
Bamias A, Kastritis E, Bamia C, Moulopoulos LA, Melakopoulos I, Bozas G, Koutsoukou V, Gika D, Anagnostopoulos A, Papadimitriou C, et al. Osteonecrosis of the jaw in cancer after treatment with bisphosphonates: Incidence and risk factors. Journal of Clinical Oncology [Internet]. 2005;23(34):8580 - 8587. WebsiteAbstract
Purpose: Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) has been associated recently with the use of pamidronate and zoledronic acid. We studied the incidence, characteristics, and risk factors for the development of ONJ among patients treated with bisphosphonates for bone metastases. Patients and Methods: ONJ was assessed prospectively since July 2003. The first bisphosphonate treatment among patients with ONJ was administered in 1997. Two hundred fifty-two patients who received bisphosphonates since January 1997 were included in this analysis. Results: Seventeen patients (6.7%) developed ONJ: 11 of 111 (9.9%) with multiple myeloma, two of 70 (2.9%) with breast cancer, three of 46 (6.5%) with prostate cancer, and one of 25 (4%) with other neoplasms (P = .289). The median number of treatment cycles and time of exposure to bisphosphonates were 35 infusions and 39.3 months for patients with ONJ compared with 15 infusions (P < .001) and 19 months (P = .001), respectively, for patients with no ONJ. The incidence of ONJ increased with time to exposure from 1.5% among patients treated for 4 to 12 months to 7.7% for treatment of 37 to 48 months. The cumulative hazard was significantly higher with zoledronic acid compared with pamidronate alone or pamidronate and zoledronic acid sequentially (P < .001). All but two patients with ONJ had a history of dental procedures within the last year or use of dentures. Conclusion: The use of bisphosphonates seems to be associated with the development of ONJ. Length of exposure seems to be the most important risk factor for this complication. The type of bisphosphonate may play a role and previous dental procedures may be a precipitating factor. © 2005 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.
Moulopoulos LA, Gika D, Anagnostopoulos A, Delasalle K, Weber D, Alexanian R, Dimopoulos MA. Prognostic significance of magnetic resonance imaging of bone marrow in previously untreated patients with multiple myeloma. Annals of Oncology [Internet]. 2005;16(11):1824 - 1828. WebsiteAbstract
Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been a useful technique for the assessment of patients with multiple myeloma (MM). We evaluated the prognostic significance of different MRI patterns in symptomatic patients with MM. Patients and methods: A total of 142 symptomatic MM patients underwent MRI before treatment. MRI patterns of involvement were correlated with known prognostic variables, including the International Staging System (ISS), response to treatment and survival. Results: Focal marrow lesions were identified in 50% of patients, diffuse marrow replacement in 28%, a variegated pattern in 14% and normal pattern in 8%. When patients with the diffuse pattern were compared with patients with the other MRI patterns, they had features of more advanced disease such as higher ISS, anemia, hypercalcemia, elevated lactate dehydrogenase and extensive marrow plasmacytosis. Response rate was similar among patients with different MRI patterns. Median survival was 24 months for patients with the diffuse pattern, 51 months for those with the focal pattern, 52 months for those with the variegated pattern and 56 months for patients with the normal pattern (P = 0.001). The presence or absence of a diffuse MRI pattern separated patients with ISS stages I and II into two subgroups with significantly different survival times of 28 months and 61 months, respectively (P = 0.01). Furthermore, a diffuse MRI pattern predicted inferior outcome regardless of whether or not patients had received high-dose therapy with autologous stem cell transplantation. Conclusion: Diffuse marrow replacement on MRI adds to the evaluation of patients with multiple myeloma and their management. © 2005 European Society for Medical Oncology.
Terpos E, Mihou D, Szydlo R, Tsimirika K, Karkantaris C, Politou M, Voskaridou E, Rahemtulla A, Dimopoulos MA, Zervas K. The combination of intermediate doses of thalidomide with dexamethasone is an effective treatment for patients with refractory/relapsed multiple myeloma and normalizes abnormal bone remodeling, through the reduction of sRANKL/osteoprotegerin ratio. Leukemia [Internet]. 2005;19(11):1969 - 1976. WebsiteAbstract
The aim of this study was the evaluation of the effect of intermediate doses of thalidomide with dexamethasone (Thal/Dex) on disease course and bone disease in patients with refractory/relapsed myeloma who were under zoledronic acid therapy. We studied 35 patients, who received thalidomide at a dose of 200mg/daily. We measured, pre-, 3 and 6 months post-treatment soluble receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand (sRANKL), osteoprotegerin (OPG), osteopontin (OPN), markers of bone resorption and formation. Before treatment, patients had increased levels of sRANKL/OPG ratio, bone resorption markers and OPN, while they had suppressed bone formation. The pretreatment sRANKL/OPG ratio correlated with the extent of bone disease. Thal/Dex administration resulted in a significant reduction of sRANKL/OPG ratio, and bone resorption. Bone formation, OPG and OPN did not show any alteration. Changes of sRANKL/OPG ratio correlated with changes of bone resorption markers. Thal/Dex was given for a median time of 10 months and the median follow-up period was 22 months. The response rate was 65.7%. The median survival was 19.5 months. β2-microglobulin, type of response and International Staging System predicted for survival. These results suggest that the combination of intermediate dose of Thal/Dex is effective in patients with refractory/relapsed myeloma and improves abnormal bone remodeling through the reduction of sRANKL/OPG ratio. © 2005 Nature Publishing Group. All rights reserved.
Kastritis E, Bamias A, Efstathiou E, Gika D, Bozas G, Zorzou P, Sarris K, Papadimitriou C, Dimopoulos MA. The outcome of advanced or recurrent non-squamous carcinoma of the uterine cervix after platinum-based combination chemotherapy. Gynecologic Oncology [Internet]. 2005;99(2):376 - 382. WebsiteAbstract
Background. Data about the outcome and prognostic factors in the group of patients with non-squamous cell advanced or recurrent carcinomas of the uterine cervix are limited. We compared the outcome of patients with non-squamous with that of squamous cell carcinomas after platinum-based combination chemotherapy as first line therapy for stage IV or recurrent cervical carcinoma. Patients and methods. A total of 200 patients with stage IV or recurrent carcinomas of the cervix received platinum-based combination chemotherapy and were included in our analysis. Results. There were 58 patients with non-squamous and 142 patients with squamous cell carcinomas. Response to chemotherapy was 53.5% in non-squamous vs. 43.5% in squamous carcinomas. Histology was not an independent predictor of tumor response (P = 0.797). Response rates were lower in patients with relapse only in a previously irradiated area in both squamous (26.9% vs. 53.5%, P = 0.005) and non-squamous carcinomas (47.1% vs. 65%, P = 0.270). Weight loss was the only significant predictor of survival in non-squamous histology patients (P <0.0001). There was no significant difference in median survival between squamous (11.57 months [95% CI 9.35-13.79]) and non-squamous carcinomas (19.05 months [95% CI 13.63-24.47]) (P = 0.064). After adjustment for independent prognostic factors (ECOG performance status and weight loss), differences in survival remained not significant. Conclusion. Our study showed a similar outcome for both squamous and non-squamous stage IV or recurrent cervical carcinomas treated with platinum-based combination chemotherapy. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Psyrri A, Kassar M, Yu Z, Bamias A, Weinberger PM, Markakis S, Kowalski D, Camp RL, Rimm DL, Dimopoulos MA. Effect of epidermal growth factor receptor expression level on survival in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer. Clinical Cancer Research [Internet]. 2005;11(24):8637 - 8643. WebsiteAbstract
Background: Several lines of laboratory evidence support the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) as an adverse prognostic indicator in ovarian cancers. However, different methods of immunohistochemical assessment have yielded conflicting results. Here, we sought to determine the prognostic value of EGFR in ovarian cancer using a novel method of compartmentalized in situ protein analysis. Methods: A tissue array composed of 150 advanced-stage ovarian cancers uniformly treated, with surgical debulking followed by platinum-paclitaxel combination chemotherapy, was constructed. For evaluation of EGFR protein expression, we used an immunofluorescence-based method of automated in situ quantitative measurement of protein analysis (AQUA). Results: Mean follow-up time for the entire cohort was 34.4 months. Eighty-one of 150 cases had sufficient tissue for AQUA analysis. High tumor EGFR expression was associated with poor outcome for overall survival (P = 0.0001) and disease-free survival (P = 0.0005) at 3 years. In multivariable analysis, adjusting for well-characterized prognostic variables, EGFR expression status was the most significant prognostic factor for disease-free and overall survival. Conclusion: The conflicting results in the literature regarding the prognostic value of EGFR may be due to the technical difficulties inherent in assessing EGFR with immunocytochemistry. In the present study, we show that measurement of EGFR protein levels in ovarian cancer using AQUA is feasible and can give important prognostic information. © 2005 American Association for Cancer Research.
Dimopoulos MA. Tandem autologous stem cell transplantation for multiple myeloma: Is it applicable and effective outside clinical trials?. Haematologica [Internet]. 2005;90(12):1588 - 1589. Website
Bamias A, Dimopoulos MA. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in invasive bladder cancer. Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy [Internet]. 2005;5(6):993 - 1000. WebsiteAbstract
The role of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in muscle-invasive bladder cancer has been clarified by recent randomized studies and meta-analyses, which all showed that cisplatin-based, combination chemotherapy offers a significant survival advantage. Preoperative chemotherapy results in downstaging in a significant percentage of patients, which is an independent factor of favorable prognosis. Nevertheless, the optimal sequence of perioperative chemotherapy remains undefined. The authors examine the results of large Phase II and randomized studies as well as the role of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the context of bladder preservation strategies. Finally, issues of improving therapeutic efficacy and directing clinical research are discussed. © 2005 Future Drugs Ltd.
Dimopoulos MA, Anagnostopoulos A. Waldenström's macroglobulinemia. Best Practice and Research: Clinical Haematology [Internet]. 2005;18(4 SPEC. ISS.):747 - 765. WebsiteAbstract
The diagnosis of Waldenström's macroglobulinemia (WM) requires evidence of bone-marrow infiltration by lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma and detection of serum monoclonal protein of IgM type. The normal counterpart of the WM malignant cell is believed to be a postgerminal-center B cell. The clinical manifestations and laboratory abnormalities associated with WM are related to direct tumor infiltration and to the amount and specific properties of IgM. Asymptomatic patients should be followed without treatment. When treatment is indicated, the three main choices for systemic frontline treatment are chlorambucil, the nucleoside analogues fludarabine or cladribine and the monoclonal antibody rituximab. There is evidence that high-dose therapy with autologous stem-cell transplantation is effective even in patients with advanced and resistant disease. Patient's age, hemoglobin and serum β2-microglobulin before treatment are important prognostic variables which correlate with survival. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.