Brief curriculum vitae

B.Sc. in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Athens, Greece, 1983.
M. Sc. in Computer Science and Operational Research, University of Athens, 1985.
Ph. D. in Numerical Issues and Computational problems in Algebraic Control Theory, Department of Electrical Electronic and Information Engineering, City University, London, 1991.

October 1985 - October 1991: Postgraduate Scholar, Department of Mathematics, University of Athens.
February 1992 - February 1995: Research Associate, Department of Mathematics, University of Athens.
1985-1991:  Postgraduate Scholar, Department of Mathematics, University of Athens.
1992-1995:  Research Associate, Department of Mathematics, University of Athens.

1995-2001:  Lecturer,  Department  of  Mathematics,  University  of  Athens,  Greece.
2001-:2012:     Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Athens, Greece.
2013-:          Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Athens, Greece.

Numerical Analysis, Numerical Linear Algebra, Study of the growth problem in Hadamard and weighing matrices, Determinants of orthogonal matrices, Rank ,nullity and null space of special matrices (Sylvester matrices, Generalised Sylvester matrices, Block Toeplitz matrices), Extrapolation methods for functions of matrices, Matrix Theory, Canonical forms of matrices(Smith normal form, Jordan form), Matrix pencils, Numerical methods for the computation of the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) and Least Common Multiple (LCM) of polynomials.

She has taught  the following undergraduate courses:
Numerical Analysis, Numerical Linear Algebra, Computer Graphics, Matrix theory with applications, Informatics.
Also the following postgraduate courses:
Numerical Linear Algebra, Computational Mathematics, Applied Linear Algebra, Linear and Nonlinear Control Theory.

She has written 2 books in Greek and 1 in Ukraine.

She has supervised 2 PhD and 14 M Sc Students.

She is President of the ERASMUS Committee of the Mathematics Department of University of Athens. She has also interchanged ERASMUS visits with other European Universities.

She has acted as referee for the following Journals
Mathematics of Computation, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Computers and Mathematics with its Applications, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, Journal of Applied Statistics, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Kybernetica

and for the following Conferences
ISSAC’97, American Control Conference 1998, 2000, Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2000-2004, 2nd IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control (SSSC) 2004, 12th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED’04), 2006 CCA/CASD/ISIC, ECC07, CDC07, CDC08, SNC2011.

She has given several Lectures in Greek and foreign Universities and Institutions. 
She has participated to more than 40 International Conferences.

She has published 70 papers in International Journals, 19 in refereed Conference Proceedings   and 16 in other Conference Proceedings. So far they have appeared 130 citations to her research papers.