Research Experience – HEP Experiments
1. CERN-PS180 “Search for neutrino oscillations at CERN using BEBC” (1983-1987,1988-1989)
2. FERMILAB-E705 “Charmonium and direct photon production by π and p at 300 GeV/c” (1987-1988)
3. CERN-NA35 “Study of ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions” (1989-1993)
4. CERN-NA49 “Large acceptance hadron detector for an investigation of Pb-induced reactions at the CERN-SPS” (1992-2012)
5. CERN-ALICE “A Large Ion Collider Experiment” (2003-today)
Leadership in Experiments
- Council Member of the ΝΑ49 Experiment
- National Representative of the ALICE Experiment
- Project Coordinator in the Development of a High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS) for the ALICE TRD
- Project Coordinator in the Development of the Control System for the HVDS
- Contact Person of ALICE in NKUA
- Deputy Team Leader of the Greek ALICE Team (2006-2013)
- Team Leader of the Greek ALICE Team (2014-today)
- Collaboration Board Member in the ALICE Experiment
- Computing Resource Board Member in the ALICE Experiment
- Resource Board Member in the ALICE Experiment
Teaching and Students Supervision
In charge of:
- “General Physics”courses
- “Atomic Physics” courses
- “Nuclear Physics” courses
- “Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics” courses
- “Physics I” courses
- “Electrodynamics” courses
- “General Physics” Lab.
- “Nuclear Physics” Lab.
- “Advanced Nuclear and Particle Physics” Lab.
- “Experimental Methods in Physics” Postgraduate courses
- Diploma, Msc and PhD students
435 publications, 23450 citations (November 2021)
(Last updated: December 2, 2021)