The goal of this work is the analysis of particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 10 μm (PM10) recorded in the urban area of Volos, a medium-sized Greek coastal city on the eastern seaboard of Central Greece. For this purpose, concentration measurements of PM10, for a seven-year period (2001-2007) are analyzed. Air pollution data were obtained by a monitoring station, fully automated, that was established by the Hellenic Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climatic Change, in order to measure air pollution levels in Volos. The extracted findings showed that the mean diurnal variation of the examined air pollutant concentrations within the cold and the warm period of the year show a double peak structure with respect to morning and evening hours. Additionally, the intra annual variation of PM10 concentrations shows a double peak pattern. The dominant peak is observed in February and the secondary peak in May/June. Besides, the role of wind seems to be significant as the PM10 exceedances are strongly associated with predominant wind directions. © by PSP 2012.
Cited By :1Export Date: 2 November 2015CODEN: FENBECorrespondence Address: Proias, G.T.; University of Thessaly, Department of Planning and Regional Development, Pedion Areos, 383 34 Volos, Greece; email:
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