Climatology of upper air temperature in the Eastern Mediterranean region


Philandras, C.M., Nastos, P.T., Kapsomenakis, I.N. & Repapis, C.C. Climatology of upper air temperature in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Atmospheric Research 152, 29 - 42 (2015). Copy at


The goal of this study is to contribute to the climatology of upper air temperature in the Mediterranean region, during the period 1965-2011. For this purpose, both radiosonde recordings and gridded reanalysis datasets of upper air temperature from National Center for Environmental Prediction-National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP-NCAR) were used for seven barometric levels at 850. hPa, 700. hPa, 500. hPa, 300. hPa, 200. hPa, 150. hPa and 100. hPa. Trends and variability of upper air temperature were analyzed on annual and seasonal basis. Further, the impact of atmospheric circulation, by means of correlation between upper air temperature at different barometric levels and specific climatic indices such as Mediterranean Oscillation Index (MOI), North Sea Caspian Pattern Index (NCPI) and North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAOI), was also quantified. Our findings have given evidence that air temperature is increasing at a higher rate in lower/middle troposphere against upper, and this is very likely due to increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


Cited By :1Export Date: 2 November 2015Correspondence Address: Philandras, C.M.; Research Centre for Atmospheric Physics and Climatology, Academy of Athens, 84 Solonos Str., GreeceReferences: Allen, R.J., Sherwood, S.C., Warming maximum in the tropical upper troposphere deduced from thermal winds (2008) Nat. Geosci., 1, pp. 399-403;Angell, J.K., Korshover, J., J. Clim., 1, pp. 1296-1313. , 1958-87; Bartzokas, A., Metaxas, D.A., Covariability and climatic changes of the lower-troposphere temperature over the Northern Hemisphere (1993) IL Nuovo Cimento, 16 C (4), pp. 359-373; Bengtsson, L., Hodges, K.I., On the evaluation of temperature trends in the tropical troposphere (2011) Clim. Dyn., 36, pp. 419-430; Bloutsos, A.A., (1976) The Climate of the Atmosphere Over Athens, , PhD, University of Athens; Box, J.E., Cohen, A.E., Upper-air temperatures around Greenland: 1964-2005 (2006) Geophys. Res. Lett., 33 (12), p. 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