Relativistic electrons (with energies >150 keV) which originate in the outer radiation belt and detected by the Russian 'Meteor' series of satellites have been correlated with the atmospheric total ozone data compiled by almost 90 stations located around the world within the latitude zone 40°-70°N. In more than 60% of the stations examined we have detected a clear decrease of the ozone 3-5 days after the electron flux excess. A numerical model has been applied to approximate this effect based on relativistic electron initiated nitric oxides creation in the upper mesosphere with subsequent atmospheric transport (both vertical and horizontal) towards the upper stratosphere. A first attempt of local and temporal prediction of ozone depletion because of energetic electrons impact in the middle atmosphere has been illustrated. © 2008 COSPAR.
Export Date: 2 November 2015CODEN: ASRSDCorrespondence Address: Tritakis, V.P.; Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics, Academy of Athens, Soranou Efesiou 4, 11527 Athens, Greece; email:
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